Results 1 - 10 from 41 for incidental capture in 0.219 sec.
Marine Turtles
The main conservation issues in British waters are incidental capture and drowning in fishing gear and collisions with boats. In addition many ingest plastic bags ...
2007 Meeting in Anchorage
Chinese river dolphin is probably extinct as a result of habitat degradation and incidental capture. It was greatly concerned that a similar fate would meet the vaquita, the smallest cetacean ...
Regulations: NOAA Fisheries Feature
U.S. include, but are not limited to: destruction and alteration of habitats; incidental capture in commercial and recreational fisheries; entanglement in marine debris; and vessel strikes. NOAA Fisheries promulgates ...
Marine Mammal Permits and Authorizations - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Export Marine Mammal Parts Authorization for Incidental Capture of Marine Mammals during Fishing Operations Take Authorizations for Incidental Take of Marine Mammals Non-ESA-Listed ... to Import or Export Marine Mammal Parts Authorization for Incidental Capture of Marine Mammals during Fishing Operations Incidental Take Authorizations for Incidental Take of Marine Mammals (for activities other ...
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Overdeveloped coastal areas have reduced natural nesting habitats. Capture of adult turtles for eggs, meat, leather, and tortoise shell has decreased breeding populations. Incidental capture of adults in fishing nets and shrimp ... laws state that: "No person may take, harass, harm, pursue, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or attempts to engage in any such conduct to marine turtles, turtle nest, and ...
WWF - In partnership with other Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
An unknown proportion drowns. This incidental capture in fishing gear is known as bycatch. WWF is working with several NGOs to track ... ,000 are caught each year in long-line fisheries alone. An unknown proportion drowns. This incidental capture in fishing gear is known as bycatch. Little is known about leatherbacks' migration habits, but ...
In the waters where these fisheries operate there is growing concern over the incidental capture of seabirds by vessels. Albatrosses face endangerment and possible extinction if further measures of protection ...
Dolphin Care UK -
Council Regulation (EC) No 812/2004 specifically dedicated to the incidental catches of cetaceans in fisheries . This Regulation adds to other measures that also benefit ...
Dolphin Care UK -
Pelagic gears are used principally in the capture of shoaling species such as herring, mackerel, pilchard, sea bass, scad, blue whiting, tuna and ... catch sea bass in the Western Approaches, as many of the bodies showed signs of incidental capture It was estimated that during the months January - March, 2003 - 3000 dolphins died due to ...
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EJF: Impacts of bycatch
Even when targeting different stocks altogether, high incidental capture of artisanal fish species can quickly undermine the productivity of traditional fishing grounds ... : often juvenile individuals with little market value. High juvenile mortality due to incidental capture has implications for the productivity of stocks (both target and non-target) ...
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