Results 1 - 8 from 8 for transgene insertion in 0.360 sec.
Is our knowledge sufficient for safe use biotechnology?
... . "....due to a lack of understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms of transgene introduction and integration, plant transformation [by genetic engineering] remains more an art ... allergenic phenotype.... attempts have been made to develop a system for targeted transgene insertion.... however, these efforts have yielded inconsistent results, making them unsuitable for commercial application ...
Say No To GMOs! - March 2006
DNA. Transgene insertion is infrequently, if ever, a precise event. Mutations found at transgene insertion sites include deletions and rearrangements of host chromosomal DNA and introduction of superfluous DNA. Insertion ...
Phenomena responsible for disturbances
These disturbances include: ź Position effects - arising from the insertion of "alien gene sequences into random locations" Explanation: This means that ... apparently unrelated to the function of the transgene" ź "Most transgenic constructs contain some genetic sequences from plant pathogens" ź Transgene expression can be significantly affected by environmental ...
Dramatically increased baby mortality from GE food
DNA /PSRAST comment]; unknown toxins and RNA transcripts from unintended genetic and epigenetic changes in the RR soya subsequent to the insertion of foreign DNA, and ...
GeneWatch UK - Techniques for Genetically Modifying Plants - A basic guide on how plants are genetically modified.
These transformation-induced mutations may occur at the site of insertion or be genome wide. Such effects occur regardless of the source of the gene. The ... proteins; silencing of genes in subsequent generations if multiple copies exist as a result of transgene silencing. ↑ Top Please note that GeneWatch UK should not be confused with The Council ...
ISIS News no.3 index
To solve the problem, the researchers constructed vectors consisting of transgenes flanked by recombination ... equivalent in having a reduced phytoestrogen content compared to its non GM counterparts. The insertion of transgenes into a plant cell causes major unpredictable, unintended, which cannot be ...
GM Rice Release in China?
BB resistance, while avoiding the insertion of antibiotic markers and other potentially problematic genes into rice. Rice blast is one of ... but it has regulatory genes from other organisms associated with it, so it is a transgene. The full health and environmental implications of pyramiding genes have yet to be considered. ...
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Say No To GMOs! - June 2003b
Many respondents indicated that most cases of transgene inactivation never reach the literature." Triple herbicide-tolerant oilseed ... transfer and recombination, with all the attendant hazards: gene mutations due to random insertion, cancer, reactivation of dormant viruses and generation of new viruses. This promoter is ...
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