Results 1 - 10 from 16 for chromosomal dna in 0.297 sec.
Genetically Engineered Crops - A Threat to Soil Fertility?
The roots of plants exudate DNA. So transgenic DNA is available here for horizontal transfer to soil ... DNA released from plant cells are not readily broken down in the general environment Genes carried by vectors as naked DNA as well as chromosomal DNA ... Their chimaeric nature means that they possess sequence homologies to DNA from widely different species and their viral pathogens, ...
DNA to microbial degradation. However, DNA binds on clay minerals, humic substances and other surfaces and, thereby, ... Reviews 58: 563-602. “ Experiments …showed that competent B. subtilis took up adsorbed chromosomal DNA directly from the sand particles. The studies revealed that the transformation efficiency was ...
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EHP: Volume 110, Number 9, September 2002
Russ Hauser, Thomas J. Smith, and David C. Christiani p. 875 [HTML] [ Download PDF] Y-Chromosomal DNA Markers for Discrimination of Chemical Substance and Effluent Effects on Sexual Differentiation in Salmon Luis ...
Gene Therapy Risks Exposed
In addition, chromosomal deletions of up to 2kb were detected at all 14 integrations sites examined. Most of ... random, but enriched in active genes and regional hotspots, probably due to increased accessibility to chromosomal DNA in transcribed regions, or it may be promoted at active genes by favourable interactions between ...
Say No To GMOs! - March 2006
DNA. Transgene insertion is infrequently, if ever, a precise event. Mutations found at transgene insertion sites include deletions and rearrangements of host chromosomal DNA and introduction of superfluous DNA ...
Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
In addition to morphological and chromosomal data collected thus far, different classes of molecular data hold great promise for further ... boundaries are an issue. A concern arises with regard to the use of mitochondrial DNA markers to address questions regarding species boundaries (Moritz 1994). Although mtDNAs are known to ...
Genetics Home Reference Fact Sheet
Gene Summaries Each summary provides the official name and symbol of a gene, its chromosomal location, and an explanation of its normal function and how mutations in the gene ... Chromosome Summaries Chromosome summaries provide an estimate of the amount of DNA and the number of genes for each chromosome. Chromosomal conditions link directly to related chromosomes, which explain how changes ...
Evolution, Mass Extinctions, and Mass Speciations
Mutation in the chromosome or its components (DNA, RNA, proteins, etc.) is the primary source of producing new species ... neutrons, is the most effective mutagen, as has been seen by its effects on DNA. Damage to DNA is physical, chemical, and biological, leading to modifications in genetic information. Amino acid (purine ...
EHP: Volume 109, Number 1 January 2001
A 24 [HTML] [ PDF] Spheres of Influence Pending Resolution: The Question of Who Owns DNA p. A 30 [HTML] [ PDF] Innovations Array of Hope for Gene Technology p. A 34 ... . 35 [HTML] [PDF] Risk of Cancer in an Occupationally Exposed Cohort with Increased Level of Chromosomal Aberrations Zdenek Smerhovsky, Karel Landa, Pavel Rössner, Marek Brabec, Zdena Zudova, Nora Hola, Zdena ...
Currently, genetic approaches using chromosomal and protein polymorphisms, mitochondrial DNA RFLP (restricted fragment length polymorphism), mitochondrial DNA sequencing and microsatellite genotyping are being introduced to the study ...