Results 1 - 10 from 37 for transgenic organisms in 0.312 sec.
Why hazardous substances may appear in genetically engineered food
The research on genetic engineering and the development of new transgenic organisms has to a very great part been financed by the Biotechnological industry. The policy ... changes are reported in the structural configuration of the ileum of mice fed on transgenic potatoes, nevertheless, thorough tests of these new types of genetically engineered crops must be ...
Horizontal transfer of viral and bacteria DNA facilitated by GE organisms?
GE organisms? Horizontal gene transfer is the transfer of genes by vectors such as viruses and other infectious agents. It is exploited by genetic engineers to make transgenic organisms. While ... -associated genes spreading and recombining to create new viruses and bacteria that cause diseases. Transgenic DNA inserting into human cells, triggering cancer. This text was based on material from ...
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Bacillus Thuringiensis
M-Trak were the first genetically engineered produces to k registered by EPA, since the transgenic organism was not alive when released into the environment. × B.t.i used to ... the ecology and genetic stability of B.t., that the potential ecological effects of these transgenic organisms are impossible to predict with certainty. Resistance Scientists once thought that the mode of action ...
Environment News Service News Index May 2005
Humans Undermining the Very Biodiversity Needed for Survival China Ratifies Biosafety Protocol on Transgenic Organisms World's First Wave Power Plant Set for Portuguese Coast Great Lakes Fouled With Mix ...
Environmental Commons: Sitemap
Genetically Engineered Crops (pdf) Addendum to the Regulatory Deficiencies Report (pdf) GMO Factsheet Transgenic Organisms Living Modified Organisms Ecological Impacts GMO: Bt Toxin (pdf) GMO Articles & News Hawai'ian Activists Forced to ...
Environmental Commons: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Project offers Against the Grain: The Video, produced by Britt Bailey. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Genetic engineering is a process whereby genes from one organism are ... local communities are democratically reaching decisions regarding the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and transgenic organisms. Threats to Food Democracy In response, state legislators supported by the ...
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HHMI's BioInteractive
Explore the Virtual Transgenic Fly Lab. The lab will familiarize you with the science and techniques used to make transgenic flies. Transgenic organisms, which contain DNA that is inserted experimentally, are used to study many biological processes. In this lab, you will create a transgenic fly to ...
Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?
Dr. Ho hits out against transgenic foods, which have the potential to be toxic or allergenic, to create new infectious ... world-wide; cloning - a scientifically flawed and morally unjustified process; the large-scale release of transgenic organisms, which she describes as "much worse than nuclear weapons as a means of mass ...
ISIS News no.3 index
Transgenic DNA has been designed to be invasive and to overcome species barriers; once released, it will invade different organisms especially bacteria which are ... of function, and when mediated by transposons, provides a powerful new technique for generating transgenic organisms and studying a large group of pest species. The construct is artificial in origin, ...
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International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/02/16
ON TRANSGENIC ORGANISMS Latin American peasant, indigenous, environmental and other civil society sector organisations, gathered in Quito, Ecuador, in January 1999, reject the invasion of transgenic organisms in ... to reject the introduction of transgenic organisms in their territories must be upheld - A moratorium on the release and commercial use of transgenic organisms and products derived from ...
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