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Flipper to the wild began. Executive Summary The task of the project team was to safely transfer Flipper from his ... assured us that Flipper's mother, whom they called Riscadeira, was still alive. The immediate problem was how to transfer Flipper to Laguna ... was unclear what help if any would be offered to transfer Flipper, a number of transportation methods, some involving the government, ...
SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Seals that require medical attention are rehabilitated at the Aquarium. All released seals are flipper-tagged, and a satellite tag has been used on an adult harbour seal. Also often ... areas. Currently has no facility for rehabilitation but can hold seals overnight if necessary before transfer to either the National Aquarium in Baltimore or, if need be, to the Marine Mammal ...
The Marine Mammal Center
Cruz County covered almost entirely with tar, with dye on her back and a pink flipper tag. The pink tag indicated to Point Reyes Bird Observatory Researcher, Derek Lee, that Tamar ... to provide him with a home at their facility. Astro’s journey to Connecticut and transfer to the aquarium went very well. Along with a human escort, Astro traveled via a ...
WWF - Bycatch reduction
Leatherbacks are less likely to be caught by hooks on the flipper or armpit when they swim into a line with circle than with j-hooks. Hooks ... in each country, including government agencies, fisheries industry and local NGOs. 2. Facilitation of horizontal transfer of experiences with circle hooks between fisher folk. 3. Experimental introduction of circle hooks and ...