Results 1 - 10 from 86 for timber exports in 0.309 sec.
Guyana illegal timber exports transfer pricing tax holidays FSC Barama BaiShanLin Jaling Seapower China Timber Resources BUCC Wood India USA UK tropical plywood
Guyana illegal timber exports transfer pricing tax holidays FSC Barama BaiShanLin Jaling Seapower China Timber Resources BUCC Wood India USA UK tropical plywood Guyana Declared imports of logs from Guyana ( ... plywood accounted for approximately 50%, 30%, and 10% of the RWE volume of Guyana's timber exports during 2006. If Barama, the owner of the country's only plywood mill, finds it ...
Structural Adjustment: Tanzania
Furthermore, external market liberalization has caused an increase in timber exports made possible by logging. The soil erosion problem is not as "simple" as deforestation ... potential export earnings were lost because prices were reformed before the institutional barriers to exports had been removed. One of the biggest factors restricting Tanzania's implementation of ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
In Cambodia, while the UN did not directly order timber sanctions, it endorsed and instructed peacekeepers and neighbouring states to uphold a government decision to ban timber exports (S/1992/792). However, the ban went largely un-enforced, and thus to stop the trade Global Witness began documenting illegal timber exports to Thailand. ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Liberia accounts for about 40 percent of the remaining Upper Guinean forest. Timber exports (mainly to France) from ports controlled ... . The main concessionaire –the Oriental Timber Company– exported timber worth $36 million in 2000 and $43 million in 2001. Total Liberian timber exports in 2001 were estimated at $80 million ...
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Global Forest Watch: Central Africa
Timber generates more than a quarter of Cameroon's nonpetroleum export revenues, along with some US$60 million in taxes." As the country's oil reserves dry up, timber exports are projected to constitute an increasing share of foreign exchange revenue in coming years. Timber production has increased by 35 percent since 1980. However, Cameroon's timber industry depends ...
About Global Forest Watch
Timber generates more than a quarter of Cameroon's nonpetroleum export revenues, along with some US$60 million in taxes." As the country's oil reserves dry up, timber exports are projected to constitute an increasing share of foreign exchange revenue in coming years. Timber production has increased by 35 percent since 1980. However, Cameroon's timber industry depends ...
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Charts information timber imports exports Africa Asia Cameroon Congo Equatorial Guinea Gabon Ghana Liberia Mozambique Burma Cambodia China Indonesia Indochina Laos Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands wood furniture illegal
African exporters. China is the principal destination for timber exports from East Africa, particularly Mozambique. AMERICA Guyana Suriname EAST ASIA China Indochina Indonesia Malaysia PNG & Solomon Islands Eastern Russia Sino-Forest Trade from Indonesia & Malaysia to China USA~China timber ...
Japan's Tropical Timber Imports
Japan in 1999 were Malaysia (logs, plywood, sawnwood) followed by Indonesia (plywood, sawnwood),and Papua New Guinea (logs). Conversely, the main destination of timber exports ...
Friends of the Earth: Briefing: Timber: Mahogany
USA and the UK (see below). Destinations of Mahogany Exports from Pará State, Brazil in 1995 Destination Quantity (000m3) % ... ,900m3 being imported in 1995 (6). Timber Extraction and Species Decline The timber industry claims that mahogany is selectively extracted ... (or any other tropical timber for that matter). Brazil has set a notional limit on timber exports but it is quite unenforceable ...
illegal timber | Greenpeace UK
The Brazilian government's environmental agency, Ibama, has seized a shipment of timber in the first check on exports by authorities ... reason why we need laws in Europe to ban the import of illegal timber. Tags: forests, illegal timber, south east asia, videos, destructive logging, thailand, deforestation, laos 0 comments | login ...
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