upper guinean forest

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ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Forest Research Network ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts Organisations - Programmes Table of contents News 43/44 homepage THE MANO RIVER CONFLICTS AS FOREST WARS By Paul Richards The Upper Guinean forest ... , and the Guinean rebels appear to have been defeated militarily. There is now a chance to end all four conflicts, but lessons need to be learned. The Upper Guinean forest has proved ...

Pygmy hippos survive two civil wars
FFI Senior Projects Manager Africa Stephen van der Mark said “Liberia’s Upper Guinean forest ecosystem, where the pygmy hippo was photographed, is a major global conservation priority. Though ... the civil wars, they still pose a significant threat today. Only 10% of the original Upper Guinean forest is left of which Liberia contains about 40%. This new sighting gives us hope ...

Ankasa Exploration Base
South-Western Region of Ghana, forming a key component of West Africa’s Upper Guinean Forest Ecosystem. This 490km area of intact wet evergreen forest is extremely rich in biodiversity, with up to 300 plant species in a single hectare. 43 mammal species including the bongo, forest ...

WWF - Solutions for Rivers
Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands and Scrub (123)] Albania, Greece, FYR Macedonia Altai Sayan Forest Rivers & Streams - [Ecoregion: Altai-Sayan Montane Forests (79)] China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia ... , Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria Upper Guinea Rivers & Streams - [Ecoregions: Guinean Moist Forests (1), Upper Guinea Rivers & Streams (161)] Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, ...

Emergency Management Postings
Zabul, Kandahar, Hilmund and Nimroz provinces in the South, and upper Farah and lower Ghor provinces in the West as "no- ... Rural provinces. Battles were fought near and inside the Kibira forest. Access to some communes of Ruyigi province remained impossible due ... Sierra Leonean refugees headed for Kailahun in Sierra Leone, near the Guinean border, was cancelled. It is estimated that the repairs will ...

Ecotour - Kakum Canopy Walkway and Visitor's Center - Ghana, Africa
Guinean Forest of West Africa--one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the African continent. The Upper Guinean Rainforest, where Kakum National Park is located, is disappearing at an alarming rate as agricultural expansion, growing settlements, and timber extraction have already claimed more than 80 percent of the forest ...

EDGE :: Species Search
(Sylvilagus transitionalis)New Guinea big-eared bat (Pharotis imogene)New Guinean planigale (Planigale novaeguineae)New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat (Mystacina ... frog (Probreviceps uluguruensis)Uluguru blue-bellied frog (Hoplophryne uluguruensis)Uluguru forest treefrog (Leptopelis uluguruensis)Upper Cerro Pigmy Salamander (Thorius narisovalis)Urdaneta robber frog (Eleutherodactylus ...

Rainforest Biogeography
Other forest types occur under conditions on soils that are particulary poor in ... production forests, is also depleting the forests on a large scale. East Malesia; the New Guinean and Australian Rain Forests The East Malesian region basically consists of the Australasian plate, a ...

WWF - African elephants
Loxodonta africana cyclotis. Savanna elephants are larger than forest elephants, and their tusks curve outwards. In addition to being smaller, forest ... Their characteristic trunk, an extension of the upper lip and nose, is used for ... Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Geographical Location Africa Ecological Region Guinean Moist Forests, Congolian Coastal Forests, Cameroon Highlands ...

Liberia: conservation in a new era
Freshwater Grasslands Croatia Qinghai-Tibet plateau Heathlands Mountains Temperate forest Tropical forest The Amazon Chocó rainforest Golden Stream, Belize Nicaraguan dry forest Where We Work Africa IGCP Ol Pejeta Liberia ... Print this page Send to a friend Liberia: conservation in a new era The Upper Guinean Ecosystem is a large expanse of West African rainforest. Stretching from western Togo to ...