Results 1 - 10 from 373 for timber company in 0.231 sec.
'The grievous mistakes of the Vanikoro concession': The Vanikoro Kauri Timber Company, Solomon Islands, 1926-1964
H Environment and History 'The grievous mistakes of the Vanikoro concession': The Vanikoro Kauri Timber Company, Solomon Islands, 1926-1964 Judith A. Bennett Environment and History 6(2000): 317- ... to diversify the economy and extend government control in the easternmost islands. The Vanikoro Timber Company began operations in 1926 without any reforestation clause included in its licence. Problems ...
Fish and Wildlife Service
Wisconsin for an endangered wood warbler. Efforts by Plum Creek Timber Company, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U ...
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences | | Forest & Landbird, Marine Fisheries, Shorebird, Wildlife & Agriculture Conservation and Research
Climate Change Adaptation Arctic Refuge & Oil: Manomet Response to Inaccurate Information Manomet in the News: Timber Company Delays Tree Harvest Manomet Updates from the Arctic Information about Avian Flu more Welcome To ...
Guyana illegal timber exports transfer pricing tax holidays FSC Barama BaiShanLin Jaling Seapower China Timber Resources BUCC Wood India USA UK tropical plywood
Guyana's second largest timber company, Demerara Timbers, might still be Prime Group - a holding company related to owners of the Malaysia's notorious Rimbunan Hiijau ... mills at Mabura and broadening the range of products which it manufactures. Demerara Timber has an associate company (named Rich Resources) which rents a Guyanese-owned concession - which is illegal ...
Suriname illegal timber concessions Omnicorp Sino-Forest Greenheart Tacoba Xinhui CIMC Simon Murray GEMS Samling Barama Macquarie exports flooring China Hong Kng stock exchange Guyana OOCL Asset stripping Investment
Corentyne river - some such timber is allegedly "exported" duty free ostensibly to Guyana but actually for direct export to China by a timber company (which ... wishes to export timber to North America, Europe and Japan, those markets are likely to demand credible evidence of the legality of that timber - particularly in relation to the company's purported ...
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Annie Kajir -- the lawyer who won't be scared off by the robber barons of Papua New Guinea's timber industry.
| July 2006 | New Internationalist
The Malaysian timber company Rimbunan Hijau dominates: through some 60 separate companies, it controls timber rights in an estimated three million hectares of PNG forest. The company figures prominently in ...
Friends of the Earth: Briefing: Timber: Mahogany
Purimil. They also state that another company called ITA is using gunmen to take away the ... According to Official Information (1995) Company 1 2 3 Semasa * * * Impar * * Bannach * * Minuano * * Imasa * Maginco * * Juary * * Mognolumber * Parawood * Ipama * Porto de Moz * Peracchi * Nordisk Timber * GD Carajas * 1. Irregularities ...
Malaysian Timber Council
Malaysian Timber Council Welcome To Malaysian Timber Council The Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) was established in January 1992 to promote the development and growth of the Malaysian timber industry. MTC was formed on the initiative of the timber industry. It is incorporated as a company limited by guarantee under the Companies ...
Boycott Woodchipping Campaign Manual - Timber Industry
Boral Timber distributed a memo purporting to be an authoritative summary ... in North West Tasmania - which is now being assessed for timber values; campaigning for the logging of native forests for woodchips in ...
illegal timber | Greenpeace UK
As a company actually doing this we endorse Greenpeace's recommendations and would encourage all construction companies ... another reason why we need laws in Europe to ban the import of illegal timber. Tags: forests, illegal timber, south east asia, videos, destructive logging, thailand, deforestation, laos 0 comments | login ...
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