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Marine Connection
Tangle nets Tangle nets are similar to gillnets in that they are a single wall ... for tangle nets are fish with spines, such as rays and crawfish. Trammel nets Much less common than either gillnets or tangle nets, trammel nets comprise three walls of monofilament netting. The two outer nets ...
Turtles in trouble
Turtles become entangled in artisanal gill nets and fish traps set inshore close to the nesting beaches. On the high seas they get caught in massive drift nets, or hooked on pelagic longlines set for tuna and swordfish. ... are caught by trawlers, gill nets or entangled in the buoy ropes of static gear such as prawn creels, tangle nets and lobster pots. ...
Turtles in the UK
The MCS is lead partner on the UK Marine Turtles Grouped Species ...
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The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - In the News
Fishing nets tangle and drown about 100 million sharks each year. In California there is only one shark ...
As the nets are thrown into the sea, some of the fish ... filters had stopped working. The filter system was an impossible tangle of rusting pipes and containers, customized beyond understanding, but which ... , which the news crew wrongly attributed to either rocks or nets. Flipper was described as being exhausted, having swum through a ...
EarthSaint: Annie Dillard
You don't run down the present, pursue it with baited hooks and nets. You wait for it, empty-handed, and you are filled. You'll have fish left ... so freely wild, like the creek, that it all surges in such a free, fringed tangle. Freedom is the world's water and weather, the world's nourishment freely given, its ...
EarthSaint: Annie Dillard
You don't run down the present, pursue it with baited hooks and nets. You wait for it, empty-handed, and you are filled. You'll have fish left ... so freely wild, like the creek, that it all surges in such a free, fringed tangle. Freedom is the world's water and weather, the world's nourishment freely given, its ...
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Ghost fishing – the phenomenon whereby lost nets or traps continue to fish. Gill net – a loosely set ... – acoustic device designed to deter marine mammals from entanglement in fishing nets. Pole and line – hand held or mechanically operated rod with baited ... – the rope (usually wire) between the otter board and trawl net. Tangle net – a type of bottom set gill net used to capture ...
Hoiho Fact Sheet
Out at sea hoiho tangle and drown in set nets, or may not be able to find enough fish to eat. Poor penguins ... cats, stoats, ferrets and dogs are being controlled and removed from hoiho nesting areas. Set nets, which penguins can get caught in, have been banned in some areas to avoid catching ...
Marine Connection
What is clear from this report is that unless immediate action is taken we could ...
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