monofilament netting

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Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Frequently Asked Questions
The flukes of an entangled humpback with line and monofilament netting trailing behind Cutting something must be better than nothing? Deformed by its entanglement, this humpback ...

Ghostnets of Canada - All life stops here!
The instinctive rolling ... a ghostweb. The growth of the fish causes the indestructible monofilament meshes to eventually cut it's heart in two. (photo: ... A single strand can lift 100 pounds. Snarls of rope and monofilament netting make huge abstract wings that are suspended out to the sides ...

MANATEE - Website For Manatee Watchers
It is a second degree misdemeanor to intentionally discard any monofilament fishing line or monofilament netting into or onto the waters of the state of Florida. Following are some ...

Marine Connection
The two outer nets are large meshed panels which sandwich an inner panel of ... very fine strands of monofilament polypropylene instead of the thicker single strands. It creates a greater capability for entanglement and generally yields a better catch than monofilament netting, but also has ...

Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies | Whale Rescue | Latest Disentanglement - right whale, Yellowfin
Stellwagen Bank (the shallow waters between Gloucester and Provincetown) with bright red netting and green rope streaming from his mouth. Sockeye is a well-known humpback whale, easily ... long length of line and netting attached at the tip of the mouth and trailing to two wraps at the flukes. The team noted that the monofilament webbing was fouled on the ...

Glossary of Terms - Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Monoculture - In forestry terms, even-aged, single-species forest crops. Monofilament Gill Netting - A static net suspended vertically used to capture fish which entangle themselves in the ... so that these become the permanent beneficiaries not the victims of tourism development. T Tangle Netting - A static net placed on the bottom of the sea, aimed at trapping fish ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
Zealand waters by recreational and commercial fishers. Today nearly all gill nets are made of monofilament nylon strands. Recreational set nets are less than 60m in length and some commercial fishers ... the north to Awarua Point north of Fiordland: ban recreational set netting to two nautical miles offshore ban commercial set netting to two nautical miles offshore between 1 December and 28 February ...

Controlling Pigeons and Rock Doves (Columba livia)
Nylon netting can be stapled or otherwise affixed to the underside of rafters to exclude birds ... can be installed in situations also suitable for porcupine wires and stretched steel wires or monofilament lines. Although these devices and their installation are usually labor intensive and/or expensive, ...

Brothers of the seals
The youngsters stroke the heaving flanks of the frightened seal, extract and cut the netting, bag and record the type of debris. The restraining device swings open and the seal ... save animals wounded too severely to recover. One seal, with windpipe already severed by nylon monofilament, died on the beach after the team removed the debris. Yet, as the misty and ...

Project Wildlife: Living with Pigeon
Despite its appearance, this product evidently does not harm birds. 6. Use flexible mesh netting to protect trees and garden vegetables from droppings. 7. Exclude pigeons from level roosting areas ... as awnings, roofs, and ledges by installing a taut, fencelike barrier (stainless steel wire or monofilament line) stretched with support posts every 6 to 18 inches. 8. Habitat modification can be ...