tails and legs

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American Marten - WDNR
The animals' throats are pale buff; their tails and legs ... keep the feet warm and enable the animals to travel on snow. American martens have long, bushy tails that are one-third ... and legs are dark brown. Female is about two-thirds the size of the male. Its smaller size, proportionately larger ears, light colored head, and ...

EEK! - Critter Corner - Pine Marten
Their throats are pale buff with black tails and legs ... warm and helps them travel long distances on snow. Pine martens have long, bushy tails, one-third the length of their body. Fishers live in similar habitat, have similar tracks and are darker in color than pine martens. Stone martens are non-native species and ... More from this site

GALAPAGOS TORTOISE  -- Kids' Planet -- Defenders of Wildlife
There are two different shell shapes: domed and saddle-backed. Saddle-backed tortoises have longer necks and front legs, which enable them to reach vegetation that is higher off the ground. SIZE: Galapagos tortoises weigh between 100 and 600 pounds. They measure between four and ...

Thinking Like a Mountain by Aldo Leopold - wolves and deforestation
Yet behind these obvious and immediate hopes and fears there lies a deeper meaning, known only ... willows and all joined in a welcoming melee of wagging tails and playful maulings. What was literally a pile of wolves writhed and ... and dullness. The deer strives with his supple legs, the cowman with trap and poison, the statesman with pen, the most of us with machines, votes, and ...

Livestock and predation identification page
Calves can have their tails chewed off and the nose may have tooth marks or be completely chewed by the predator when the tongue is eaten. Tracks and ... and are rarely removed to the den, even though fox dens are noted for containing the remains of their prey, particularly the wings of birds. Breast and legs of birds killed by foxes are eaten first and the ...

Kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordi, control and management
(D. deserti), and Great Basin kangaroo rat (D. microps). Kangaroo rats are distinctive rodents with small forelegs; long, powerful hind legs; long, tufted tails; and a pair of external, ... kangaroo rats, particularly the bannertail. Successful baits include whole kernel corn, peanut butter and oatmeal, and oatmeal paste, which are placed on the trigger mechanism. Place traps near, ... More from this site

Amphibian Articles - Amphibian Foods and Feeding Tips
Insects of the family Gryllidae, having long antennae and legs adapted for leaping. Adult males of many ... mistaken for insects. Pill bugs have segmented bodies, and seven pairs of legs. If disturbed, pill bugs roll into ... and lakes. Tubifex dig holes, or tubes, in the mud head first, and leave their tails sticking out of the substrate. The part of the tail that is not buried is waved back and ...

Hawks Harriers have slender bodies, long wings, tails, and legs, and use a buoyant flight to fly low over the ground in search of food. These hawks have a facial disc that allows them to use their sense of hearing to help locate prey. Most harriers show color differences between the adult male and female birds.

Predator Conservation Trust: information on CITES and the law
Tiger eyeballs are used to treat epilepsy and malaria Tiger Tails are used to ... up. The objectives of CITES MIKE are as follows... Measuring and recording levels and trends, and changes in levels and trends of illegal hunting and trade in ivory in elephant range states. ...

Loridae : lorises, slow lorises, pottos and angwantibos
The hands and feet of lorids are capable of powerful grasping, and these animals travel along the underside of branches as easily as along the top. Their tails are very short, ... claw." The arterial and venous circulation of the arms and legs is much subdivided to form networks of intertwining vessels (retia mirabilia), which facilitate the exchange of oxygen and waste materials and help the ...

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