Results 1 - 10 from 59 for sub antarctic in 0.237 sec.
The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Antarctic here includes the area within the Antarctic Convergence, including the Antarctic continent, the Southern Ocean, and the sub-Antarctic islands. The Arctic can be described as a frozen ocean surrounded by land, and the Antarctic ...
Seal Conservation Society: 1997 News Digest
Islands submitted for World Heritage status - New Zealand has proposed to UNESCO that its sub-Antarctic islands be given World Heritage status. The islands, including the Campbell, Auckland, Antipodes, Bounty and ...
Falklands Penguins
Falklands: Species & History Fifteen million penguins live in the South Atlantic (excluding sub-Antarctic and Antarctic areas). A large proportion of these are to be found in the the Falkland Islands ...
ISSG Database: List of all countries
Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island (sub-Antarctic) Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam ... Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (sub-Antarctic) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia (Polynésie Française) French ...
Lives of Whales
Balaenoptera borealis Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni Common minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata Antarctic minke whale Balaenoptera bonaerensis Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae Sperm whale Physeter ... : Worldwide from subtropical or tropical waters to high latitudes of the sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic Migration: Seasonal movements between high latitudes in summer to tropical waters ... - The National Parks of New Zealand
(Maori tribe) issues by 30 June 2000), - to establish World Heritage status for the sub-antarctic islands, by 30 June 2000, Also, the possibility to grant national park status to all ...
DPIW - Leopard Seal
Leopard seals breed on the Antarctic pack ice and range from the Antarctic coast to the sub-antarctic and sub-tropical seas. An average of five leopard seals visit the ...
Whales - Biology
Antarctic waters. So each winter the whales leave their sub-Antarctic feeding areas and travel north to warmer waters. After birth the ... . During the warmer months of the year they feed on small crustaceans in nutrient rich sub-Antarctic waters. When the days become cooler the whales migrate northward to warmer waters. They spend ...
Forest and Bird Media Releases
New Zealand Federated Farmers Declare War on the Environment (17/7/97) Sub-Antarctic World Heritage Nomination Heralded (4/7/97) Little for Conservation in Green Package (27/6 ...
Welcome to Forest and Bird
New Zealand's sub-Antarctic islands are home to more species of breeding albatross than any other country. New Zealand ...
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