Results 1 - 10 from 129 for stranded animals in 0.351 sec.
News from the Falklands June 1997
Returning stranded animals to the water is not always successful. In the process of stranding the animals may be repeatedly thrown against the sand by the waves and may be too weak to fight against the current after being refloated resulting in drowning. Whales which have been stranded ...
OMI: LFAS What Is It?
The Navy/NOAA report on this stranding (December, 2001) indicates that the whales stranded at received sound levels well below 180 dB ...
OMI: Underwater Noise Pollution
The best documented cases, where stranded animals were recovered in time for necropsy occurred in: Bahamas (2000) Madeira (2000) Canary Islands (2002 ... have population - level impacts on these species One scientist reported that 1/3 of all stranded cetaceans they necropsied had some form of auditory damage 12. International Actions on Ocean ...
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Whale' "Andrew's beaked whales are only known from about 20 stranded specimens, all of which have come from southern Australia, Tasmania ... the Northern Territory, about the adult male sperm whale that stranded on a Darwin city beach seven years ago. In order ... there is no coordinated network in place to deal with stranded animals of this magnitude, Australian Parks and Wildlife officials did their ...
2008 Meeting in Chile
Sakhalin Island, Russian Federation. The population numbers only about 120 animals and although there is evidence that it has been increasing at perhaps 3% per ... whales and whaling. These ranged from information on the most appropriate methods for euthanasia for stranded animals to information on killing methods and hunting information from a number of countries. It will ...
Strandings: NOAA Fisheries Feature
While the majority of stranded animals are found dead, some animals strand alive and in a limited number of cases it is ... regional rehabilitation centers for care. In rare cases, successfully rehabilitated animals are returned to the wild. Report a Stranded Marine Mammals FAQs about Marine Mammal Strandings Marine Mammal Health ...
SCS: Rescue and Rehabilitation
Normandy coast and in the English Channel, including the rescuing and care of stranded animals. Rescued 2 live stranded seals (1 harbour seal and 1 ringed seal) during 2000, both of which ... ): 01403-730176, Pager: 07666-789439, E-mail: Rescues sick, stranded and injured marine animals throughout the United Kingdom, rescuing over 100 grey and harbour seals each year and ...
HBOI | Marine Mammal Research & Conservation
The DMMRC Marine Mammal Stranding Center is part of the Southeast U.S ... other essential information. Marine mammal strandings may also provide evidence of fisheries interactions. The stranded animals are often the first indicators of an emerging problem with fishery / marine mammal interactions ...
Bottlenose - the Prince of Whales
In some places whales strand in larger numbers than others. The two Faroese "bottlenose whale ... North Atlantic then, as now, was the incidental, non-commercial use of two or three stranded animals in the Faroes. The protected stock classi-fication was adopted on a provisional basis, in ...
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group: Strandings Search
Table of strandings over the past year. Breakdown of species stranded over the past year. Find photographs of stranded animals. Publication policy We welcome researchers and managers using this search facility. If ...
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