Results 1 - 10 from 30 for stiff hairs in 0.266 sec.
APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Federal Noxious Weeds. Awn: A bristle or hairlike appendage. Barbellate: With short, stiff, hooked hairs. Bayer Code: (pronounced Buyer); An internationally accepted 5 letter code for crop and ... is used for making cloth, floor coverings and cordage. Hirsute: Pubescent with coarse or stiff hairs. Hydrosoil: The soil surface underneath a body of water. Identification collection: Federal Noxious ...
Key to the lichen genera of the Guianas
Loflammia 126a Margin of apothecium with long, stiff hairs Lasioloma b Margin of apothecium without such hairs 127 127a Epithecial algae present Sporopodium b Epithecial algae absent ... ; paraphyses often branched 327 324a Ascomata with a subapical whorl of stiff black hairs Trichothelium b Ascomata without hairs 325 325a Spores transversely septate; asci with chitinoid apical ring ( ...
This lightly calcified seaweed is from 2 to 6 cm ... I covered with fine, soft hairs. The main part of the branch is white or pink, while the hairs are dark red. This ... with bright sunlight. Gracilaria coronopifolia (manauea) G. coronopifolia has solid cylindrical stiff branches from 1 to 4 mm in diameter that have short ...
EEK! - Critter Corner - Fun Fur Facts
Some hairs grow to a particular length and stop; others grow continually, like human head hair, horse manes, and quills of a porcupine. Vibrissae or whiskers - stiff hairs, usually long, with many nerves at their base. They are extremely sensitive to touch. These hairs give the mammal clues about its immediate ...
Exotics Guide
The operculum--the rigid oval plate that closes the aperture when the snail withdraws ... A live specimen of Busycotypus canaliculatus from an Oakland Chinatown market. Note the periostracum with stiff hairs. Andrew N. Cohen Busycotypus canaliculatus for sale in an Oakland Chinatown market. Andrew N. ...
Managing Wildlife Damage: Moles
Male eastern and hairy-tailed moles typically are larger in size than respective females whereas both male and female star-nosed moles are approximately equal in size. Tactile hairs on ...
Phleum pratense
Many other cvs developed in various countries for specific ecological conditions. Cultivars cannot be ...
Muskrat, Ondatra zibethicus, control and management
Its large hind feet are partially webbed, stiff hairs align the toes (Fig. 2), and its laterally flattened tail is almost as long as ...
National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Plants—Purple Coneflower
Echinacea angustifolia April 7, 1805, at Fort Mandan, North Dakota. Oblong leaves are covered with stiff hairs. The flower heads, borne singly atop the stems, have pinkish lavender rays drooping from a ...
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Bee
The basket is made of rows of stiff hairs that arch to form a hollow space on the outside of the bees’ legs, usually ... walls. Some build nests on rocks or shrubby plants, using mud, chewed leaves, and animal hairs. Eggs are laid on pollen balls in the nest. Parasitic bees lay eggs in the ...
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