Results 1 - 10 from 25 for specific bequest in 0.386 sec.
Support PAN: Make a Bequest | Pesticide Action Network North America
A specific bequest of an asset such as a retirement plan results in ... 49 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, ____% of my estate.'' Specific: ``I give, devise and bequeath to Pesticide Action Network North America ... , located at 49 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, (percentage, specific, or residual language as above).'' For more information on how ...
International Tree Foundation
Specific bequest This is a gift of a particular named item - known as a specific bequest - for example, a piece of jewellery A Contingent bequest This gift in your Will depends upon the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen. An example is a bequest ...
A specific bequest of an asset such as a retirement plan results in ... 49 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, ____% of my estate.'' Specific: ``I give, devise and bequeath to Pesticide Action Network North America ... , located at 49 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102, (percentage, specific, or residual language as above).'' For more information on how ...
The second is ecological valuation, which focuses on a) ecosystem services and ecosystem health ... considered the range of approaches to sustainable development. In every case, there are a few specific kinds of solutions that turn up. For fisheries, these include, but are not limited to ...
Protection Options
Monadnock Conservancy, describes specific permitted uses of the property, including agriculture, forestry, recreation, and other open space uses; and specific prohibited uses, including industrial, commercial, ... or public entity. Gift of Land or Conservation Easement by Bequest An individual may make a bequest of land or of a conservation easement to the Monadnock Conservancy ...
Great Peninsula Conservancy: How We Conserve Lands
Conservation easements are flexible and can be written to your specific needs. They are permanent, regardless of who owns the land. A Conservation easement may significantly ... your land to the Great Peninsula Conservancy via a bequest in your will may be an ideal solution for you. Before establishing the bequest, please contact the Conservancy so that we are ...
Irish Peatland Conservation Council - Index of Web Site Resources
Peatland Conservation Campaign Peatlands 2020 IPCC Peatland Conservation Strategy 2005 Specific Campaign Actions Action 1. Afforestation Action 2. Cutaway Bogs Action ... IPCC Join as a Friend of the Bog Leave a bequest to IPCC in your Will Make an In Memory Gift ... Bogs Tour Bogs you can visit Information request on a specific Irish bogland Teacher Support Services On-line Education resources catalogue ...
Marin Agricultural Land Trust
Dines on It Fall Hikes & Tours Fred and Micky Graeser Bequest of $277,500 Directors’ Barbecue Set for October 2, 2004 ... property. Agricultural uses are permitted within the area, subject to specific restrictions on the season of use, the potential for transport ... that she and Fred had provided generously for MALT, leaving a bequest of $277,500, the largest such contribution in our history. ...
Support the Mono Lake Committee
Bequests and Endowments We gratefully accept bequests and endowments. The following example of general bequest language may be helpful (this is not legal advice; please consult an attorney): "I give ... include: instructing the Committee to invest your bequest with the income only to be used as the board of directors determines; leaving a specific percentage of the value of your estate; and ...
Forest and Bird Bequest
This allows Forest and Bird to respond to the changing conservation demands of the day and utilise the bequest in the best ... access to funds set aside for limited or specific purposes. If, however, you have a specific project you wish to support, you can mark your bequest accordingly. Because there can be changes in ...
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