Results 1 - 5 from 5 for residuary bequest in 0.132 sec.
Forest and Bird Bequest
Branches | Enjoying Nature | Children | About Us Support Join & Membership Shop Donate Bequest Options for Supporting Forest and Bird Bequest Please Remember Forest and Bird in Your Will Let nature ... Bequest This allows for a specific proportion of your estate to be given to the Society. It ensures the gift is inflation proof, especially if your estate increases in value. A Residuary Bequest ...
Major Donations - LSP
Bequest Ask your lawyer about giving a gift to the Land Stewardship Project through your will. You may give a pre-determined amount or give a residuary bequest that is honored after all other bequests have been made and all debts, expenses and taxes have been paid. It is also possible to give a bequest based upon ...
International Tree Foundation
This is a gift of a fixed sum of money left to International Tree Foundation in your Will. A Residuary bequest This is a gift of the remainder of the estate after all other bequests have been made and debts cleared. A Specific bequest ... Tree Foundation shall be a complete discharge to my Executors. Residuary bequest (a proportion) I give (%) of the residue of my real ...
Pets In Need: Bequests
Jean Mahoney Memorial Bequest Society, named for our founder. Your name, along with other charter ... the simplest methods of providing for dogs and cats is the bequest. A bequest is a powerful statement of your concern and care for ... of the estate's residuary for distribution to a charitable organization, such as Pets In Need. The bequest can be small or large ...
To add a bequest to Manomet in your will is very easy. We offer the following Bequest Language sample as a guide. Widewater Society Bequest Language For many donors, a bequest is a statement ... sum of ($________) Dollars for its general charitable purposes; or I give (____%) of my residuary estate to Manomet, Inc. of Manomet, Massachusetts, for its general charitable purposes. Please note: To ...