Results 1 - 10 from 36 for silver beech in 0.265 sec.
FORE214 - Species list
Family Fagaceae a: Genus Castanea 1: Castanea sativa - Sweet chestnut b: Genus Fagus 1: Fagus sylvatica - European beech c: Genus Nothofagus 1: Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oersted - red beech (NZ) 2: Nothofagus solandrii (Hook.f.) Oersted A. var. solandrii - black beech (NZ) B. var. cliffortioides - mountain beech (NZ) 3: Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oersted - silver beech ... - Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand
Lake Rotoroa. Major species present are kahikatea, miro, matai, rimu. All four species of beech are present. Red beech and silver beech share the lower, warmer and more fertile areas, with hard beech less common, in the less fertile areas. Mountain beech and silver beech extend up to ... - Nature and Outdoor Activities in Urewera National Park
Other short forest walks include Tawa Walk and Black Beech Walk. Waterfalls are another distinctive feature of the Ureweras. The Hinerau's Track follows ... by the profusion of mosses and lichens that cover the trunks and branches of the silver beech trees. Other tramping routes equipped with tracks, bridges and huts and suitable for most trampers ...
More from this site - National Parks of New Zealand - Fiordland National Park
Most of these forests are beech, primarily silver beech, and to a lesser extent mountain beech. Podocarp are also present at low altitude, in the less steep ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Mt Aspiring National Park
Black and mountain beech predominate in rainfall areas of 1500-2500 mm/year (59-98 in.), while silver beech is better represented in colder and wetter areas. Hard beech is more restricted, close to the western edge of the park south of Haast. The irregular distribution of the 4 beech species ...
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National Geographic Adventure Mag.: Classic Hikes: New Zealand's Routeburn Track
Douglas fir. The flora here is hyperabundant: Hikers who set out in December ...
Peconic Land Trust - History
Vineyard, Bridgehampton Lucy Bradley, Deborah Light, John Halsey at dedication of Light Preserve, 1995, Amagansett Silver Beech Preserve, Amagansett Bark Hike at Squirrelville, Riverhead Rolu Barns, Old Westbury The Peconic Land Trust ...
ASM | Mammals of South Dakota
CHIROPTERA Vespertilionidae Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus common statewide 39(C), 223 356 Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans uncommon statewide 658 172 migrant Red Bat Lasiurus borealis ... G), 587 semi-aquatic American Marten / Pine Marten Martes americana rare 289 re-introduced Beech Marten / Stone Marten Martes foina uncommon SE only accidental introduction Fisher Martes pennanti ...
ForestHarvest - non-timber products from lowland broadleaved forests in Scotland
Other non-native species such as beech, sycamore and sweet chestnut may be found. Generally speaking, these woodlands are more species-rich ... acidic soils, they are often dominated by oak (sometimes with silver birch). What to find in a lowland broadleaved wood Cep Beech Hazel Sweet chestnut Oak Ash Birch Nettle Blackberry Wild raspberry ...
Current Projects
Marlborough. Silver Lake Focus Area The Conservancy continued its relationship with the Silver Lake Land Trust, working with residents of the Sunset Hill ... of Harrisville and Dublin. It has the potential to expand into a conservation corridor between Beech Hill and the Conservancy’s and the Harris Center’s easements on land abutting Lake ...
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