shrew sorex monticolus

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Results 1 - 4 from 4 for shrew sorex monticolus in 0.184 sec.

ASM | Mammals of California
Sorex monticolus Sierra Nevada & San Bernardino Mtns 212 Pacific shrew Sorex pacificus NW 296 Ornate shrew Sorex ornatus Common, 5 ssp Special Concern C. & SW 231 Fog shrew Sorex sonomae NW 231 Inyo shrew Sorex tenellus EC Water shrew Sorex ...

ASM | Mammals of Nevada
Sorex merriami Vulnerable N 2 Trowbridge's shrew Sorex trowbridgii Threatened SW, W 337 Vagrant shrew Sorex vagrans Common NE, Central Nevada 1288 Montane shrew Sorex monticolus Vulnerable NE 528 Inyo shrew Sorex tenellus Threatened S 131 Water shrew Sorex ... More from this site

Prevention and control of damage caused by shrews
Sorex longirostris Southeastern shrew Sorex lyelli Mt. Lyell shrew Sorex merriami Merriam's shrew Sorex monticolus Montane or Dusky shrew Sorex nanus Dwarf shrew Sorex ornatus Ornate shrew Sorex pacificus Pacific shrew Sorex palustris Northern water shrew Sorex preblei Preble's shrew Sorex sonomae Fog shrew Sorex tenellus Inyo shrew Sorex trowbridgii Trowbridge's shrew Sorex ...

Sorex caucassicus Sorex cinereus Sorex cylindricauda Sorex daphaenodon Sorex dispar Sorex fumeus Sorex gaspensis Sorex gracillimus Sorex granarius Sorex hosonoi Sorex hydrodromus Sorex juncensis Sorex longirostris Sorex lyelli Sorex macrodon Sorex merriami Sorex milleri Sorex minutissimus Sorex minutus Sorex mirabilis Sorex monticolus Sorex nanus Sorex oreopolus Sorex ornatus Sorex pacificus Sorex ...

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