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Citizen Action Guide
TOP What is clearcutting? Clearcutting and its variations: seed tree, shelterwood cutting and group selection, is the method of logging a ... precious forest resources. Clearcut areas can be small or large. Shelterwood cutting is a type of clearcutting which leaves a few ... financial losses are far greater than the revenues from timber cutting. Timber workers must suffer the ravages of boom and bust ...
NMPIF Forests 5
Brown Creeper remove less than 50% basal cover in shelterwood cuts NOTE: Snag management recommendations for cavity-nesting birds that rely only on requirements for ... it was logged. Dead trees are important to the overall health of a forest. Limit cutting of snags. Some Spruce-Fir birds are sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Design sales to limit ...
SBN Feature Article: November 1997
It should know better now! Partial cutting and open log sales also provide significantly more job opportunities per volume of wood ...
Sustaining Penn's Woods Background
Improvement cutting to remove undesirable, e.g., crooked or diseased, trees Regeneration or harvest cutting, which produces a clearing where new trees can regenerate ... : a form of clear-cut which leaves some mature, seed-producing trees on each stand Shelterwood: two or three partial cuttings at five- or 10 -year intervals, with the early cut ...
Be Woods Wise - Woodlands Glossary
Top F felling - the cutting of standing trees. filter strip - an area of forest adjacent to ... an exploitive cutting and often used to describe highgrading, liquidation harvests, and diameter limit cutting. Who is doing the selecting and what criteria are they using? shelterwood harvest - a ...
Be Woods Wise: Woodlands Glossary
[Top] F felling - the cutting of standing trees. filter strip - an area of forest adjacent ... an exploitive cutting and often used to describe highgrading, liquidation harvests, and diameter limit cutting. Who is doing the selecting and what criteria are they using? shelterwood harvest - a ...
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