Results 1 - 10 from 159 for aged management in 0.277 sec.
Forest Management Policies on the Colorado Plateau
Modern silviculture practices emphasize more selective, uneven-aged cutting, but even in the 1980s forest ... W. W. 1990. Fire effects on ponderosa pine soils and their management implications. Pp. 105-111 In: Effects of fire management of southwestern natural resources. General Technical Report RM-191. USDA ...
Changed Southwestern Forests: Resource effects and management remedies (part 3 of 3)
In the southwest, aspen and ponderosa pine on white and Douglas-fir habitat types could suffer in the long term with uneven-aged management ... S. Department of Agriculture. Howe, G. E. 1995. Genetic effects of uneven-aged management. In: Uneven-aged management: opportunities, constraints and methodologies. Pub. No. 56. Montana Forest and Conservation ...
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Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 11/24/97
FOR WILDLIFE PROTECTION." This section of the THP refers specifically to "The Forest Resources Management Guidelines developed by Louisiana Pacific for their recently submitted Sustained Yield Plan (SYP)" which ... lands over a ten year period. Yet this conversion of Greenwood Creek forest to "even-aged management" has had no public discussion. Does CDF approve of this conversion? How is it ...
Sustaining Penn's Woods Background
A stand is even-aged when all of the trees are approximately the same age, generally because of their simultaneous regeneration. This is the case in most Pennsylvania forests. Even-aged management ... are cut later. This system is often used to favor shade-tolerant species. Uneven-aged management This process involves frequent selective harvesting to maintain a mix of tree sizes, ages ...
This even-aged management method is often used to encourage shade-intolerant species such as birch and aspen. ... series of partial harvests, while allowing for regeneration to become established. A variation of even-aged management. See overstory removal. Silviculture: The science and art of cultivating forests to produce a ...
Title Preface 1: Introduction Purpose What is Forest Health? Ecosystem Management Adaptive Management Rise of the Forest Ecosystem Health Issue in the Southwest 2: ... Achieve Desired Results Density Management Even-aged vs Uneven-aged Management Combination Silvicultural Methods Slash, Woody Debris, and Snags Salvage Prescribed Fire Smoke Management Insect and Pathogen Considerations Treatment ...
What's Going On Behind the Sea Ranch?
Going On Behind the Sea Ranch? Photographs of extensive logging operations (clearcutting and other even-aged management) in the Gualala watershed, Sonoma and Mendocino counties. Note in particular: sediment, burns, amd landslides ...
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Indian Country.” We filled the rest of our two-day visit with ...
RSPCA Reprimanded
RSPCA's political strategy. Once known for sending kindly middle-aged inspectors to investigate local instances of cruelty, the RSPCA is today associated more with high ... , he did say that if "overriding human benefit" can be demonstrated by a wildlife resource management programme such as Campfire, "it may affect the RSPCA's work." ART is hopeful, therefore ...
UC IPM: Management Guidelines for Avocado Root Rot (Phytophthora Root Rot) on Avocado
Phytophthora species are not true fungi but have many fungal-like attributes. MANAGEMENT Look for diseases and disease-promoting conditions regularly throughout the grove by MONITORING ... irrigation management. For example, where new trees are interplanted among older trees, separate irrigation lines are needed to insure appropriate irrigation timing and amounts for the different aged ...
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