Results 1 - 10 from 130 for shallow reefs in 0.287 sec.
References - Ahermatypic, Hermatypic What does it all mean?
Most flagellates are part of the phytoplankton of shallow tropical seas where they are a food contributor for zooplankton. A few members of ... water forms and continue to evolve independently. These may or may not have came from shallow reefs and contained zooxanthellae and their tissues. It seems likely that the symbiotic relationship played ...
CHAMP - Coral Disease Identification and Information - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Edmunds PJ (1991). 'Extent and effect of black band disease on Caribbean reefs.' Coral Reefs 10 (3): 161-165 Feingold J (1988). 'Ecological studies of a cyanobacterial infection ... in Southwestern Caribbean Reefs.' Hydrobiologia 460 (1-3): 65-69. Gladfelter WB (1982). 'White-Band Disease in Acropora Palmata : Implications for the Structure and Growth of Shallow Reefs.' Bulletin of Marine ...
Hawai'i Coral Reef Network -- References
Acropora palmata reef communities: St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science 32: 532-548. Scoffin, T. P. 1993. The geological effects of hurricanes on coral reefs and ... . Gladfelter, W. (1982). "Whiteband disease in Acropora palmata: Implications for the structure and growth of shallow reefs." Bulletin of Marine Science 32: 639-643. Goldberg, W. M., J. C. Makemson, and S ... - Life on the Reef: Today from the Bahamas - Dispatch 1
Reefs are home, by some estimates, to more than a million species, from the tiniest algae to 10-foot-high coral. Often called the "rainforest of the oceans," these relatively shallow marine ... its food. And pollution is often much more concentrated and deadly in shallow reefs than in deep-sea ecosystems. "Coral reefs have evolved to be quite robust," says Dan Brumbaugh, marine program manager ...
Ancient Reef Threatened by Dredge Project
Ft. Lauderdale. The best shallow reefs in Ft. Lauderdale are close to the burial area. Over 25 acres of shallow essential fish habitat, hard bottom and ... colonies are between 500 and 1000 years old. “Killing or damaging the last remaining good shallow reefs in east Florida by dredging and filling would by like dynamiting the last giant redwood ...
Coral Reefs: Rainforests of the Sea script
In poorer countries, some coastal communities are dependent upon the reefs for a subsistence diet. Shallow reefs act as barriers against waves, protecting shores and beaches from washing away in storms, and protecting coastal communities. As with tropical rainforests, coral reefs ...
WWF - Fast facts: why coral reefs are important to people
(Australian Government Report (PDF file)) 32 of the 34 recognised animal Phyla are found on coral reefs compared to 9 Phyla in tropical rainforests (Status of Coral Reefs ... all known marine fish species (WRI Reefs at Risk) 58% of the world's coral reefs are potentially threatened by human activity (WRI Reefs at Risk) Coral reefs are found in 109 countries; ...
References - Reefs of the World Part I
This is why some corals and inverts live in shallow regions of the reef and others exist in deeper waters. ... diving. I will only discuss the three main types: Atoll reefs, Barrier reefs, Fringing reefs. The definition of "reef" is a ridge near the ... too may be disappointed. Help protect the reefs. Visitors to the national park or coral reefs sanctuaries should use common sense and follow ...
US Coral Reefs - Imperiled National Treasures
The Earth’s fi rst reefs were built by photosynthesizing cyanobacteria about 2.5 billion years ago. From fossil remains, it is known that a variety of organisms have constructed reefs ... have a wide distribution in the world’s oceans, the varieties that form reefs are typically restricted to relatively shallow, warm tropical waters between latitudes 30° north and 30° south. Clean, clear ...
Coral reefs of Hawai'i
(Midway). As each island formed, living animals and plants colonized the shallow shores and began to develop reefs. Coral reefs are formed over long periods of time by the accumulation of ... organisms on coral reefs. On the Kona coast of the Big Island, Dollar (1982) described zonation patterns typical of Hawaiian reefs (Figures 2 & 3). Close to shore in shallow water, reefs are characterized ...
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