coral polyp

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Coral Reefs
The type of algae that lives within the coral are called zooxanthellae. The small animals that make up coral are called polyps. Most coral are colonial; that is, coral are made up of many individual polyps connected by living tissue. Each polyp ...

References - Ahermatypic, Hermatypic What does it all mean?
Imposing as they are, the presence of modern coral reefs is the result of a special relationship between the coral polyp and the unseen single celled algae which live symbiotically within the cells of the polyp. These algae, which ...

References - SPS Coral Care: An Interview with Dana Riddle
Dana suggests testing it out by placing an LPS coral in the area where you plan to place the SPS coral first and observing whether the coral polyp is moving well and in different directions. If this is the case you know that you will have enough current for your coral. If the LPS coral ... be found. As the coral fragments grow and become adult ... More from this site

CHAMP - Coral Spawning - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Each coral colony is started by an individual coral polyp that literally grows copies of itself, a process known as budding. The new coral ... same as the original coral polyp, and have the same characteristics, just like identical twins. So how do completely new coral colonies get started? That first coral polyp has to come ...

Coral reefs of Hawai'i
[Born the coral polyp, Born of him a coral colony emerged] -- Kumulipo, The Hawaiian Hymn of Creation, compiled by Rubellite Kawena Johnson, 1981 Introduction Coral reefs are unique ... almost always dominated by finger coral, whose thin vertical branches quickly overgrow other coral species. These patterns suggest that finger coral is the dominant coral competitor on Hawaiian reefs (Maragos, ...

Biorock Coral Project
REEF ISSUES RESTORATION PAPERS LINKS Biorock Coral Project Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ... you see (picture) left is the profusion of coral growing off our submerged coral protect structure after just one year (we ... of their own energy to create a calcareous skeleton, each coral polyp can put more energy into growth and reproduction. These ...

Coral Reefs: Rainforests of the Sea script
These plant cells also provide the coral's wide variety of colors. Coral polyps grow ... coral colonies, often with many different kinds of coral. A reef may be hundreds of miles across, but it is still built by millions of tiny coral polyps. A coral polyp is an invertebrate animal -- that is... an animal with no backbone. However, coral polyps ...

Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
Standing, Touching, Anchoring Even the slightest touch can crush the fragile living coral polyp, exposing the entire coral head to infection and disease. Visitors that touch, stand, or scrape the coral with fins, hands or equipment damage a coral that has grown ...

Coral Reef Protection | Habitat Protection | US EPA
Children, Students and Teachers Coral Reef Protection What Are Coral Reefs? Why Are Coral Communities Important? What Problems Exist? Are There Solutions? What Are Coral Reefs? Protection of coral reefs depends on careful ... animals. Corals live in colonies consisting of many individuals, each of which is called polyp. They secrete a hard calcium carbonate skeleton, which serves as a uniform base or ...

Reef Relief - Coral Reef Conservation: Science Education News Photos and Information
The Coral Reef Ecosystem All About the Coral Reef Threats to the Reef Florida Keys Coral Reef Ecology Course Seagrasses, Mangroves, Wetlands Healthy Coral Florida Reef Typical Reef Fish Endangered Species Coral ... lobsters and raysÂ…purple sea fans, and soft stony corals. The tiny reef-building coral "polyp" is no bigger than a pinhead. Encased in a calcareous (containing calcium) exoskeleton, it ...

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