Results 1 - 10 from 50 for coral colony in 0.297 sec.
CHAMP - Coral Spawning - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Each coral colony is started by an individual coral polyp that literally grows copies of itself, a process known as budding. The new coral ...
CHAMP - Coral Reef Biology - NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program
Black-band disease is caused by microorganisms, which produce anoxic conditions and hydrogen sulfide deep within the band that kills the underlying coral tissue. The disease ... staghorn coral colonies in the Caribbean began to exhibit what is now commonly referred to as white-band disease. White-band disease starts killing coral tissue at the base of the coral colony ...
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Glossary of Technical Terms
CORALLUM (plural, CORALLA): skeleton of entire coral colony CORALLITE: skeleton produced by an individual polyp COSTA (plural, COSTAE): extensions of the septa outside ...
Coral reefs of Hawai'i
Born of him a coral colony emerged] -- Kumulipo, The Hawaiian Hymn of Creation, compiled by Rubellite Kawena Johnson, 1981 Introduction Coral reefs are unique among marine communities. In addition to being spectacular displays of nature's creativity, coral ...
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Mass coral bleaching - the result of simple food starvation?
The patchy occurrence of nutrient sources (zooplankton and fish) on coral reefs, could therefore ...
Voyage to the Aleutian Islands: Understanding Alaska’s Deep Sea Frontiers
Amlia Island. This may be the first documentation of a king crab resting on a black coral colony, which is thought to be an important habitat. Photo: NOAA. (Bottom left) A gorgonian coral (Muriceides ... developing methods to minimize fishing interactions with coral habitat. (Left) Adak Island. Photo: Tom Bolmer, Woods Hole ...
Deep-Sea Coral Research
Polyps extended from deep-sea coral colony Coral Systematics Imagine collecting a net full of fish and not being able to name them ... to conserve these long-lived animals. Population Age Structure, Reproduction and Recruitment How old are coral colonies? When do corals spawn? What environmental changes trigger reproduction? How many new recruits ...
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The Wonders of the Seas: Cnidarians
In the Medusoid, the ... S BLUE WORLD The two different forms of a Cnidarian body. A coral colony consists of hundreds or thousands of tiny polyps. Each polyp is an ... an itchy rash on human skin. It is not technically a coral, but a kind of hydroid that encrusts other objects (including other ...
Coral Reefs: Rainforests of the Sea script
For example, this colony of what is known as brain coral is over six feet across! It contains many thousands of individual coral polyps all living together. A larger reef is formed by many coral ... for a small colony of coral. This coral colony has in turn ...
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Coral Reef Protection | Habitat Protection | US EPA
The calcium carbonate is secreted at the base of the polyps, so the living coral colony occurs at the surface of ... zooxanthellae also lend their color to their coral symbionts. Coral bleaching occurs when corals lose their zooxanthellae, exposing the white calcium carbonate skeletons of the coral colony. There are a number of stresses ...
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