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Condylura cristata (Linnaeus); Star-nosed Mole
These highly sensitive tactile processes contain large numbers of highly sensitive tactile organs known as Eimer's organs. They are richly supplied with nerves ...
They rely heavily on their sense of touch to find food ...
Lobsters also use some obvious visual displays in agonistic encounters. Still, chemical and tactile senses appear to be the keys to successful social encounters and prey detection. However, vision ... hairs cover the antennules and are the actual organs of smell. These hairs are incredibly sensitive to amino acids, the building blocks of all proteins, of which animal tissue is made ...
TACTILE A harbor seal uses its sensitive vibrissae to detect vibrations. They thrust the vibrissae in a sweeping movement by pushing their mobile upper lip in and out. When vibrations are detected, a substantial nerve system transmits tactile ...
PRBO Conservation Science: Shorebird trends
The sensitive bill has a high number of tactile receptors, allowing avocets to feel food in the mud. Natural History Notes ... and closed independent of the base of the bill. Like other shorebirds, it has especially sensitive openings or “sensory pits” at the end of the bill that it uses to probe ...