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International Green Stores Directory - earth friendly shopping - green stores - eco stores - sustainable shopping - eco shopping
West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Other Countries Australia Canada England France Germany Holland New Zealand Spain Scotland Switzerland Green Stores Galleries Alabama California GET LISTED FOR FREE! Add/Change A Store Please let ...
EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
England; cantarella Bonaparte 1850; dulcivox Hume 1873; armenicus Bogdanov 1879; scotica Tschusi 1903 Scotland, Ireland and England; harterti Whitaker 1904; guillelmi Witherby 1921; sierrae Weigold 1923 resident breeder ... range there was a southward retreat in the nineteenth century in Germany, France and Switzerland; introduction attempts in central Europe have been unsuccessful n/k, 1984 n/k, ...
IPCC information sheets - Where to bogs occur
Netherlands and Poland have been lost; Switzerland and Germany each have only 500 hectares remaining. In the United Kingdom there has ... 5 Indonesia 700,000 13.7 6 Northern Ireland 166,860 12.4 7 Scotland 821,381 10.4 8 Iceland 1,000,000 9.7 9 Norway ... 8 19 Austria 22,000 2.8 20 Denmark 60,000 2.8 21 Switzerland 55,000 1.3 22 Hungary 100,000 1.1 23 New Zealand ...
B). May 9-12, 2005 Mechanisms and modelling of waste/cement interactions, Meiringen, Switzerland. Organised by EAWAG - EMPA - PSI. International workshop that focuses on the chemical understanding ... in structural concrete in Portugal. Olisanwendu Ogwuda from the University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland is looking for information on water absorption of crushed building demolition rubble. Laura ...
Digital Frog International | Free science software demo downloads
Reunion Rwanda Saba Saipan Saudi Arabia Scotland Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo ...
Sustainable Practices :: Conservation Education :: IZE
Switzerland Stephanie Heinzelmann Natur- und Tierpark Goldau Europe Switzerland Cornelia Mainini-Schütz Tierpark Dählhölzli Europe Switzerland Ernst Federer Walter Zoo AG Gossau Europe Switzerland Ursula Dürst Wildparkschule Wildpark Langenberg Europe Switzerland ...
History and Milestones :: IZE
States; 1984-1988) Lars Lunding Andersen (Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark; 1988-1992) Robert Ollason (Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland; 1992-1996) Pegi Harvey (San Diego Zoo, United States; 1996-2000) Annette Berkovits (Bronx Zoo ... .
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Learning About Mountains - Resources
Ethiopia, Scotland, Switzerland, Ukraine Dwarf, etc. Dwarf, gnome, troll Germany, Korea, Norway, Slovakia Family Devotion to family Ethiopia, Korea, Norway, Scotland, Switzerland, USA (Appalachian ... ogress, giant, demon Nepal, Peru, Tibet, Ukraine Physical challenge Remarkable marksmanship Korea, Scotland, Switzerland Power of nature Mountains as water towers, storm power, wind power, ...
Conclusions about reintroducing Beavers to Scotland
Scottish Beavers Network - campaigning for the Reintroduction of the European Beaver into Scotland Conclusions about Reintroducing European Beavers We are convinced that reintroduction is not ... populations also now exist in Latvia, Russia, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, France, Switzerland, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Belgium and ...
Halt the Aberdeen Bypass - Friends of the Earth Scotland
Similar sized cities such as Graz and Linz in Austria and Bern and Lausanne in Switzerland all have good tram systems. Useful links Official Aberdeen Bypass website - ... Site map | FAQs | Contact us | Some rights reserved Friends of the Earth Scotland is an environmental charity based in Scotland 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PR. Tel: 0131 243 2700. Registered charity ...
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