trial reintroduction

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Bounceback - Managing invasive species in Australia - success stories
Flinders Ranges National Park, and land reclamation using ...

The Scottish Beavers Network Home Page
Reintroduction of the European Beaver into Scotland This site will shortly close, having served its purpose of assisting the campaign to reintroduce beavers into Scotland. Now that a license for a trial reintroduction ... to the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland for a trial reintroduction of up to four families of beavers into Knapdale, Argyllshire on the west coast ...

Conclusions about reintroducing Beavers to Scotland
It is envisaged that once this trial has been set up, ... revealing than a trial reintroduction Are the fears raised by the process justified? We feel from speaking with European experts that most fears are unfounded. However, a trial reintroduction appears to be ... More from this site

Restoration Round-up (Do or Die)
Kinloch, Loch Scresort - as well as in a further 9 small trial plots around the island. Because soils in some parts have become "so poor that trees ... on by the highly successful reintroduction of the white-tailed sea eagle (exterminated by 1912, 82 released on Rum 1975-1985), they are looking into the reintroduction of other plants and animals ...

Article template
In 2000, the Partnership successfully carried out a trial experiment with the more common sandhill crane, leading eleven birds from Wisconsin to Florida. Now ... behavior in the cranes and prevent accidental bonding to humans, an essential ingredient to the reintroduction’s success. Their final destination is 31,000 acres of salt marsh at Chassahowitzka National ...

Colong Foundation for Wilderness
Andrew Cox, NPA Executive ... in its management duties if it continues with the mustering trial." "Valuable time is being wasted on preventing a further build ... of shooting the horses. The Colong Foundation calls for the reintroduction of aerial culling of feral horses in this and all other ...

Cottonwood Newsletter
Honduran and Salvadorian Association of Community Water Boards (AHJASA and ASSA), and 3 trial chlorinators to grassroots groups in Nicaragua and Guatemala. As of April of 2006 our partner ... assists in the purchase of a land tract that will further the Tribe’s ongoing reintroduction of the swift fox and black-footed ferrets. The return of these animals is very ...

LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy
Rescue Centres could have been kept going for a whole year, or a big reintroduction project of an extinct species, such as the Sardinian Black Vulture. Now, if it costs ... that the Assistant Prosecutor in charge of the case ensure that it is brought to trial. Signora Mancini could then introduce a civil case into the process (during the preliminary hearing ...

Mr. Sevin
Sevin reports his captive otters did not regurgitate indigestible foods. Through trial and error over the years, Lee Roy and Diane have perfected otter diets sans ... need to articulate the fact that trappers using foothold traps was essential to this unprecedented reintroduction success. One more thing. It is time conservationists and wildlife lovers everywhere recognize the ...

Predation politics: wolves, conditioned taste aversion & wildlife management
When humans fail to meet these requirements or attempt to apply ...