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FAQ - Why is China important?
Russia and Africa. While China had been reporting one bumper harvest after the other for the last 15 years, Russia and Africa stumbled from one food crises to the next. The study of China's success story in agricultural reform ("family farming") and economic liberalization could inspire both politicians and scientists ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
In his proposal, Pronk allows revegetation and forest, cropland and grazing land management as eligible activities, essentially giving an advantage to countries like the US, Australia, Russia and ... signs of greater climatic variation and extreme events. What then will happen to the millions of poor people of the Sahel region of Africa, with its already degraded ...
May 9, 2005: Oil and Food: A Rising Security Challenge
Rock deposits in the United States, Morocco, China, and Russia meet two thirds of world phosphate demand, while Canada, Russia, and Belarus account ... , helping supply northern hemisphere markets with fresh produce from places like Chile, South Africa, and New Zealand. Processed foods now make up three-fourths of total world food sales ...
EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Ireland resident breeder Palearctic, Oriental, Australasian boreal, temperate, steppe and Mediterranean, continental and oceanic Britain and Ireland to north Africa, east to Turkey, north to central Russia and ... Holarctic and islands in south Indian Ocean continental; north tundra to steppe to isolated Mediterranean Ireland and Britain to continental Fennoscandia and central and northern Russia ...
Fisheries and Marine Mammals: Most Recent Developments
-- 8/29/97
Africa's economic zone around the Prince Edward Islands near Antarctica.} [Reuters] . {{Russian-Icelandic Fishery Agreement. In mid-August 1997, a framework agreement was concluded in Moscow between Russia and ... Economic Zone. The Coast Guard has towed the trawler to Kodiak, AK, and is investigating the incident.} {{Russia has requested that the vessel be released.}} [Interfax, Dow Jones News, ...
Fisheries and Marine Mammals: Most Recent Developments
-- 9/05/97
Kamchatka, Russia, to tour Russian frontier guard operations and investigate opportunities for joint operations to better protect fishery resources in the North Pacific and Bering Sea.} ... Africa's economic zone around the Prince Edward Islands near Antarctica. [Reuters] . Russian-Icelandic Fishery Agreement. In mid-August 1997, a framework agreement was concluded in Moscow between Russia and ...
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Earth and Space Foundation 1997 Awards
Earth's environment Institution : West Africa Rice Development Association, Africa The river plains of the Guinea and Sudan savanna zones of West Africa are potentially important ecosystems for the ... Archaeological Expeditions (Mongolia, Russia and USA) Mongolia is a nation of extreme of temperatures and geography. However, the existence of more than 1,100 stone age sites and traces of human ...
International Cooperation > Treaties and Agreements | Browse EPA Topics | US EPA
EPA Home Browse EPA Topics International Cooperation Treaties and Agreements International Cooperation > Treaties and Agreements International Cooperation subtopics Alphabetical List of All ... , Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRS), Screening Country & Regional Programs Canada, Caribbean, Central Europe, China, Eastern Europe, Japan, Latin America, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Taiwan, ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Iraq is but the latest chapter. The United States, Russia, and China are backing competing ... In Africa, France and tIn North and West Africa, the United States and France are maneuvering for influence by deepening military ties with undemocratic regimes in Algeria, Gabon, Congo- Brazzaville, and ...
Not that no-one knows. Maria Yulikova reports on the brutal assassination of a journalist in Russia.
| January 2008 | New Internationalist
Moscow branches of international NGOs. As a result, NGOs that have taken up such cases in Russia, and the foundations supporting them, have been plunged ... . Raised Voices video: Atossa Soltani from Brazil on the Climate Change Desmond Desai from South Africa on Corporate Power Iranian women speak out 3 March 2007, London. Women's rights activists ...
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