travels farther

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Results 1 - 10 from 34 for travels farther in 0.514 sec.

May 9, 2005: Oil and Food: A Rising Security Challenge
Food today travels farther than ever, with fruits and vegetables in western industrial countries often logging 2,500–4 ... the import of fresh produce year-round, regardless of season or location. But as food travels farther, energy use soars. Trucking accounts for the majority of food transport, though it is ...

Say No To GMOs! - July 2005
"There is a .001 percent chance of cross-pollination within 10 ...

atmospheric physics
Skip Navigation Atmospheric Physics Electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun travels at 300,000 km/s. This radiation comprises wavelengths that vary from the very short ( ... the Tropic of Capricorn on the first day of the winter. As a point moves farther from the latitude where the sun shines directly overhead, the radiation must travel a longer ...

Illinois Raptor Center Pictorial Guide/shorebirds
U.S. and farther south to South America. The Hudsonian Godwit is seen in Illinois only occaisionally. It travels from its arctic breeding ground as far south ... , grassy areas making detection difficult. It is a common shorebird seen during migration as it travels between the Arctic and southern South America. The solitary sandpiper is true to its name ...

Controversy Over Baxter Park Logging Plan
"In my travels in foreign lands, I have seen beautiful great forests that for centuries have been producing ... will be established. A few tent sites will be kept in the old campground but farther back from the stream. The 12-foot-wide bridge will be replaced with a bridge ...

OMI's Dr. Green Talks in Berlin
LFAS has received the most public attention because the signals travel farther than other frequencies and it, therefore, has the potential to affect larger areas of the ... dB is one trillion times louder than the 120 dB level whales avoid. As it travels away from the ship the LFAS sound drops off to 180 dB when it is ...

Ocean Alliance - EDUCATION - Whale Education Kit
Instead they use sound. Sound travels five times faster in water than in air! Whales don't have vocal cords like ... loud that they may be able to hear each other 1000 miles away, perhaps much farther across deep water. This means that a single pod of fin whales may conceivably be ...

Day Camps at RBG
Animal Wonders July 7–11, or July 28–August 1, or August 18–22 Discover ... in some just-plain-fun games too. The hikes are longer, canoe expeditions take us farther and the games are more challenging than any other camp. Art in the Outdoors July ...

River of Words: Poetry
A wall of trees fades into the gloom, Stretching farther than the eye can see, Away, Away. Branches sweep the ground, But ... becomes a stream. Not just any stream, my stream. The one that travels through the winding trails of the woods, behind my house. That exact ...

NCNatural's Spring Wildflower Update
NCNatural's Spring Wildflower Update WEATHER | CALENDARS | ADVENTURES | TRAVELS | MUSIC | BOOKS Wild Flowers and Plants of NC Spring Wildflowers in the southern Appalachians NCNATURAL | ... the higher elevations. The mountains of South Carolina and north Georgia should be a little farther advanced than the Asheville area. A good way to judge the progress of spring is ...

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