resolving complex

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Results 1 - 10 from 51 for resolving complex in 0.274 sec.

What is NERC
Environmental air ... resulting research program will certainly not resolve all “complex mixture” issues, but is making steady progress toward resolving complex composition-exposure concentration-health response relationships for ...

Dovetail Partners Inc: The Outlook, Feb 2005
Collaboration is the ideal process for resolving complex problems. The bad news is that few individuals have well developed collaborative skills. The ... one individually. Literally, one plus one equals three. Collaboration is the best approach for resolving complex, deep-rooted conflicts like those involved with the environment . The parties sit down, get ...

When 1 + 1 = 3!
Literally, one plus one equals three. Collaboration is the best approach for resolving complex, deep-rooted conflicts like those involved with the environment . The parties sit down, get all ... More from this site

fisheries resource paper
Improving communication between scientists and managers, as well as targeting research towards resolving the ambiguities surrounding quotas, can improve the effectiveness of this solution. Long-term ...

No Evolution Without Revolution (Do or Die)
"Successionary changes [which] ... involve a complex pattern of wet or seasonally flooded meadow, open water, marsh, bog and flooded forest formation ... of a social sickness - and perhaps at this late stage only we are capable of resolving it. Some might argue that it is not so much a 'technical' solution such as ...

Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
These approaches might also address some of the objections raised by Lazell ( ... the West Indies because of the island distributions of rock iguanas and the extremely complex patterns of diversification and geological history in this region (Rosen 1985; Hedges et al. ...

Maan dam
Health of Fasting Activists; Government Tries to Wash-Off Responsibility: Uninterested in Resolving Crisis June 15, 2002 Ramkuvar Sinking: Health of Others Critically Deteriorating; Government Backed ... Address Shri Jaikrishnan, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Paryavaran Bhavan, C.G.O.Complex, Lodhi Road Institutional Area, New Delhi Fax 011-4362746 Phone 011-4360721 Collector, ...

Michalski Nielsen Associates Limited
Limited prides itself in providing personal, professional, practical, and cost-effective input to often complex issues surrounding land use change and its impact on the natural environment. We make ... , and have been very effective in helping them understand our client's position, and resolving complicated matters. Our staff knows that issues related to the natural environment are important ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
As the licenses expire, the utilities are faced with a complex, costly, and time-consuming relicensing process under ECPA that is likely to require a detailed ... also within smaller watersheds, is a cost-effective means of increasing reliable water supplies and resolving water conflicts in many regions. With demand growing faster than supply in many areas, we ...

OMI: About OMI
North Pacific all sing the same song and it is the most complex song on Earth. Science has not been able to explain how they can do this ... the planet go together, are synchronistic. We at the Ocean Mammal Institute are dedicated to resolving the current ecological imbalance. We do this by providing individuals with opportunities to feel their ...

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