Results 1 - 10 from 258 for exclusive economic in 0.195 sec.
fisheries resource paper
Also, fisheries are frequently measured in economic terms, even in discussions relating to ecological sustainability. Many towns, cities and ... exclusive economic zones in the 1970s extended the area over which any one state had exclusive economic rights to 200 nautical miles (Weber 1994). Fisheries, of course, were included in the economic ...
PROGRAMME AREAS A. Integrated management and sustainable development of coastal and marine areas, including exclusive economic zones Basis for Action Objectives Activities Means of Implementation B. Marine environmental protection Basis for ...
The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
(Clarke, 1993). The productivity of freshwater and sea margins has become stressed mainly by economic activities rather than climate variability. For example, the artificial opening of the sand ... mechanisms are not in place that enable fishermen to move within and across present exclusive economic zone boundaries. Subsistence and other small-scale fishermen (who dominate in Africa) probably will ... Biodiversity Internationally
Part 1, Page 2. Internationally-driven reasons to preserve New Zealand's biodiversity Economic rewards "In addition to our productive systems being underpinned by healthy ecosystems, our " ... sustainable fishing under the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement in areas beyond our EEZ [exclusive economic zone] and for migratory species". Three excerpts from The New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy, ...
FICZ to the north, east and south of the Islands to 200 miles. The Argentine exclusive economic zone lies to the west of the Falkland Islands Conservation Zones. A number of important ...
U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
In the setting of extended jurisdiction, nations enjoy exclusive fishing rights in ocean areas that lie off their coastlines--restricted zones which were ... outward from their shores. Today about 90 percent of the total catch comes from these Exclusive Economic Zones, or EEZs. In principle, the concept of extended jurisdiction solved most of the ...
Helcom : Valid Recommendations
Baltic Sea catchment area 28E/14 2007-11-15 13:00:00.0 Introducing economic incentives as a complement to existing regulations to reduce emissions from ships 28E/13 2007 ... .0 Procedures for Granting Permits for Monitoring and Research Activities in the Territorial Wates and Exclusive Economic Zones, Fishing Zones or Continental Shelves 12/1 1991-02-21 13:00:00.0 ...
Helcom : - MONAS
Procedures for Granting Permits for Monitoring and Research Activities in the Territorial Wates and Exclusive Economic Zones, Fishing Zones or Continental Shelves 12/1 1991-02-21 13:00:00.0 ...
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International Conference on Whaling in the North
Atlantic: Economic and Political Perspectives, Reykjavík, 1 March 1997. Opening address by Halldór Ásgrímsson,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Foreign Affairs of Iceland Source: International Conference on Whaling in the North Atlantic: Economic and Political Perspectives, Reykjavík, 1 March 1997. Opening address by Halldór Ásgrímsson, Minister ... the Sea acknowledged the jurisdiction of states over such utilization within their 200-mile exclusive economic zones. It also recognized marine mammals as a resource, and declared that states ...
Economic Importance
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) As on land, the sea is crossed by ... miles from a country’s coast, is called the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is an area of sea up to ... ecosystems NOAA and the future of coastal and ocean economics Exclusive Exonomic Zone - Wikipedia Presidential Proclimation 5030 - creating the EEZ ...
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