Results 1 - 6 from 6 for refrigerant substitutes in 0.207 sec.
The Official PPRC P2 Quiz: Episode 2, The Pollution Menace
The condenser coils serve to dissipate heat from the refrigerant, the gas that removes heat from inside your refrigerator. When dust and grime collect on ... work all that well anyway. Tip: For general purpose cleaning, less-toxic or non-toxic substitutes are available. Among them are baking soda, vinegar, club soda, lemon juice, and soaps. You ...
HFCs as substitutes of CFCs and H-CFCs. Misinformation in this area has forced to argue over the relative merits or pitfalls of particular aspects or intrinsic properties of each refrigerant rather ... environment. This implies the use of the best possible refrigerant system. What makes a good refrigerant ? A good refrigerant is a refrigerant that comply to 4 main properties : Property 1 ...
Preface from AS/NZS3823 - Air Conditioners
International Standard' should read `this Australian/New Zealand Standard'. (c) A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker. (d) The heating test ... Standards Organisation 817 Refrigerants-Number designation AS/NZS 1677 Refrigerating systems: Part 1: Refrigerant classification 3823 Performance of electrical appliances - Airconditioners and heat pumps 3823.1.3 ...
Numbering Scheme for Ozone-Depleting Substances and their Substitutes | Ozone Layer Depletion | US EPA
Ozone-Depleting Substances and their Substitutes Numbering Scheme for Ozone-Depleting Substances and their Substitutes Various ozone-depleting substances (CFCs, HCFCs, HBFCs, and halons) and their substitutes (HFCs, HCs, and PFCs ... prefix above or with the prefixes "R-" or "Refrigerant." Thus, CFC-12 may also be written as R-12 or Refrigerant 12. Blends of refrigerants are assigned numbers serially, ...
Global Warming Potentials of ODS Substitutes | Ozone Layer Depletion | US EPA
You are here: EPA Home Ozone Layer Depletion Global Warming Potentials of ODS Substitutes Global Warming Potentials of ODS Substitutes The global warming potential (GWP) represents how much a given mass of ... Fire suppressant and propellant for metered-dose inhalers, and refrigerant. HFC-236fa (C 3H 2F 6) 240 209 220 9650 6300 9400 Refrigerant and fire suppressant. HFC-236ea (C 3H 2F 6 ...
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Industry in the lead
At the Montreal meeting, ten years ago, ... foam was still experimental and compressors had not yet been developed for the likely alternative refrigerant, HFC-134a. So Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry financed a compressor ...
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