fire suppressant

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Global Warming Potentials of ODS Substitutes | Ozone Layer Depletion | US EPA
Fire suppressant and propellant for metered-dose inhalers, and refrigerant. HFC-236fa (C 3H 2F 6) 240 209 220 9650 6300 9400 Refrigerant and fire suppressant. HFC-236ea ... cleaning in semiconductor production, low temperature refrigerant and fire suppressant. Perfluorobutane (C 4F 10) 2600 2600 2600 8710 7000 8600 Fire suppressant and refrigerant where no other alternatives are technically ...

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - Publications - Simply Sustainable -
We’ve had virtually no market for ...

ITOPF - About Marine Spills - About HNS
Composition/ingredients 11. Toxicological information 4. First-aid measures 12. Ecological information 5. Fire-fighting measures 13. Disposal considerations 6. Accidental release measures 14. Transport information 7. ... . Alternatively, emergency responders may have fire-fighting or suppressant foams that can be applied to reduce the evaporation and the risk of fire/explosions. Again, responders must ...