Results 1 - 10 from 156 for producing bacteria in 0.249 sec.
Methane Sinks - Soil
The methane is predominantly used by bacteria in the soil (methanotrophs) which use the methane as a source of carbon in a ... waterlogged, such as sometimes happens in winter, the balance shifts from methanotrophs to anaerobic methane producing bacteria (methanogens) and the soil becomes a methane source. As well as water content of the ...
Water: The Hub of Life
Recent research has suggested that that non-oxygen-producing bacteria species such as the purple and green bacteria are the most ancient photosynthetic bacteria. Another group of non-oxygen-producing bacteria, ...
Water: The Hub of Life
Recent research has suggested that that non-oxygen-producing bacteria species such as the purple and green bacteria are the most ancient photosynthetic bacteria. Another group of non-oxygen-producing bacteria, ...
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Compost making
Don't put it into a pit or trample it down, as it would cause anaerobic decomposition. Nitrate-producing bacteria ... which absorb the gases given off. The earthworm stage The heating reduces, the heat-loving bacteria have formed spores and the fungi have predigested the organic substances for the earthworms and ...
Specialized Services - Mining Effluent Technologies at CANMET-MMSL
These bacteria often play a major role in passive treatment ... bacteria, thiobacilli species, acid-producing bacteria and iron-reducing bacteria. Through the use of the most probable number technique we can also provide estimates of the numbers of bacteria present ...
Causes of climate change
Under such conditions, methane-producing bacteria and other organisms decompose organic matter in the soil to form methane. Nearly 90% of ...
Membrane Technology
Development of a Continuous Flow Membrane Reactor Catalysing the Solubilisation of Hydrophobic Pollutants by Rhamnolipid-Producing Bacteria - VS Brözel 846/1/03 $15.00 2003 Cleaning and Pre-Treatment Techniques for Ultrafiltration ...
GM Probiotic Bacteria in Gene Therapy
But as every microbiologist knows, the proportion of gut bacteria that can be cultured ...
Wastewater Treatment | RoeTech 104, Bacillus bacteria for grease trap treatment, line cleaning, and maintenance, and large wastewater systems
ROETECH 104 is a highly concentrated spore mixture of four patented Bacillus bacteria with high enzyme producing ... and products for boat and recreational vehicle holding tank treatment. HOME | OUR BACTERIA | PRODUCTS | CONTACT ROETECH | OUR CUSTOMERS ROETECH 103 | ROETECH 104 | ROETECH 106 | ROETECH ...
Wastewater Treatment | RoeTech 106 PS, Bacillus bacteria & Pseudomonas for municipal wastewater, food processing, livestock manure ponds, aerated septic tanks, or aerated treatment units (ATU's)
Six patented Bacillus bacteria combined with two Pseudomonas species provide a multiple enzyme producing culture with enhanced capacity ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6-10 temperature range . . . . .5°C-55°C oxygen requirements . . . . aerobic faculative anaerobe Bacteria Count. . . . CFU/gram 1 billion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 Enzymes Produced Protease Lipase ...
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