methane oxidation

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Results 1 - 10 from 39 for methane oxidation in 0.176 sec.

Methane Sinks - Atmosphere
An indirect effect of atmospheric methane oxidation is that it can magnify the effects of other pollutants. Increased methane in the atmosphere means fewer OH radicals and so less oxidizing power in the atmosphere as a whole. Some methane ...

Methane Sinks - Soil
The methane is predominantly used by bacteria in the soil (methanotrophs) which use the methane as a source of carbon in a process called methane oxidation ... then inhibit methane oxidation. Similarly, the increased deposition of nitrogen from the atmosphere, due to the activities of man, can also reduce or completely inhibit methane oxidation in ... More from this site

Gas impact on fish and other marine organisms
Medical toxicology distinguishes between three main types of intoxication by methane: light, results in reversible, quickly disappearing effects on the functions of central ... symbiotic communities and ecosystems dependent on methane oxidation by microorganisms (mainly Methylococcaceae) appear to be typical for areas with high levels of methane in the bottom environment. In ...

GreenHouse Gas Online - Greenhouse Gas News, Research and Resources
Potential for control The potential for control of methane emission from wetlands lies largely in land-use policy. Under certain circumstances draining of wetlands could greatly reduce methane ...

Strategic Partners - Lee International - Emissions Trading Consultants
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) committees revising IPCC protocols for methane emissions from solid waste disposal. Languages: English, French Mallinicks Attorneys Mallinicks ...

KRAV och klimat -
Production, oxidation, emission and consumption of methane by soils: A review. LE MER Jean; ROGER Pierre, Revue/ European journal of soil biologi. 2001, vol 37 The effect of agriculture on methane oxidation in soil ...

NURP and CMDL's "Methane Hydrates and Climate Workshop" was a Success! (06/25/04)
However, occasionally in earth's history, massive releases of methane from hydrates may overwhelm this biological process, thus introducing vast amounts of methane ...

Methane record and budget
(CH4) eventually ends up as CO2 and water. In the troposphere, the reaction chain starts with oxidation of methane by hydroxyl (OH). OH concentration depends on many factors, including the methane level. OH is hard to measure, the lifespan of methane is difficult ...

Documents, Tools & Resources | Coalbed Methane Outreach Program (CMOP) | US EPA
Methane Recovery Project Opportunities (PDF) (61 pp, 921K, About PDF) Coal Mine Methane Global Overview, prepared by CMOP on behalf of the Methane to Markets Partnership Coal Subcommittee Thermal Oxidation of Coal Mine Ventilation Air Methane (PDF) (6 pp, ...

Accomplishments | Coalbed Methane Outreach Program (CMOP) | US EPA
VOCSIDIZER) destroys methane, and is also capable of generating heat and electricity. More CMOP news >> Top of page Promoting Capture and Use of Abandoned Mine Methane ... More from this site

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