producer twist

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Menardi - Multifilament Fabrics
Producers twist is one turn or less per inch. This is just a sufficient twist to hold the yarn bundle ... , for example, we may use a high twist multifilament in the warp direction and use a producer twist yarn in the fill direction. The ... less twisted will greatly effect the efficiency of the fabric. Generally, twist per inch will range from 7 to 12 turns per inch ...

Scentpost April 1998
When dogs bloat, the stomach can sometimes twist around, kinking off any outlet for accumulating gas from fermenting food inside ... the set of the Today Show! I had mentioned to the producer we had made a program with Beyond Productions with some good ... I were headed back to the studios of Channel Nine. Midday Show producer, Bill Wallace, had booked us in for a segment on the ...

Salmon Safe
Now the latest local twist on the eco-labeling trend allows consumers to go a step further and buy vegetables ... other fish and wildlife species.Read the article. Wilcox farm earns 'Salmon-Safe' label: egg producer earns distinction by combining agriculture, conservation, The Olympian March 2006 A fixture in the Nisqually ...

Chow! : Eugene Weekly's Restaurant Guide
"You have to shake the bottles after the second fermentation," he said. "And twist the bottles each morning." The process moves the dead yeast from the bottom of the ... 2000 Cabernet Sauvignon Applegate, Asian Vyd., organic, yummy. King Estate is our region's largest producer, with an international rep for top-quality wines. Their reserve pinot gris is widely acclaimed ...

Eugene Weekly : Movies : 03.10.05
At 7pm on 3/16 180 PLC. Free. National Treasure: Directed by Jon Turteltub and producer Jerry Bruckheimer, adventure stars Nicolas Cage searching for treasure George Washington hid during the Revolutionary ... of demons and angels. Hmmm. Based on comic, Hellblazer. R. Cinemark. Cursed: Wes Craven's twist on classic monster fables stars Christina Ricci, Joshua Jackson, Judy Greer, Portia de Ross. ... More from this site

Habitat Media - interview transcript
The twist here is that we've gotten salmon to produce growth hormone ... are spread across the board. It's an advantage for the producer, there's an advantage for the consumer and what's not ... perhaps even greater than those just for the consumer and for the producer. Right now, salmon farming is increasing at somewhere between 10 and ...

Calgary: A CEO Does His Homework
I submit to you that the federal government has repeated this fairytale with a twist. The Kyoto accord is nude, just like the emperor. Now some have criticized me saying ... -ore, thus using far less energy and producing less CO2. Further, we are a pipe producer and much of the pipe we make is used for natural gas transmission that should ...

(5/12/2002) Bari vs. FBI Trial: Darryl Cherney Testifies
They said the interview was over. The producer whips around, says I have one more question for you. She makes a suggestion that ... far as organizing Redwood Summer was stopped. The Lord's Avenger letter put a bizarre twist on the charges. Bari and Cherney firmly believed that somebody from the timber industry had ...

Say No To GMOs! - September 2006a
United States to develop alternative sources of "renewable" energy. In the latest twist, a leading American research facility, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Centre, has admitted that ... Berthe, director of institutional relations at the French seed producer Limagrain, reckons that the proportion is the same in Chile where the seed producer is settled. Each year France buys almost ...

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