Results 1 - 2 from 2 for filaments per yarn bundle in 0.055 sec.
Menardi - Multifilament Fabrics
For example, 840 denier yarns may have 70 filaments per yarn bundle, they may have 128 filaments per yarn bundle, 144 filaments per yarn bundle ...
Crotalaria juncea
Fiber is used in twine, rug yarn, cigarette and tissue papers, fish-nets, sacking, canvas ... to base, 5 with short filaments and long narrow anthers and 5 with long filaments and small rounded anthers; ... , loose in the pod at maturity, 33,000 seeds per kg. Fl. July-August in Rhodesia. Germplasm Of ... straw dries in 1-2 weeks. By standing each bundle up and fanning out the butts, drying time ...