persistent oils

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OSPAR Convention: Convention for Protection of Marine Environment of North-East Atlantic
Persistent synthetic materials which may float, remain in suspension or sink, and which may seriously interfere with any legitimate use of the sea. Persistent oils and hydrocarbons ... the sea into substances which are biologically harmless. b. Elemental phosphorus. c. Non-persistent oils and hydrocarbons of petroleum origin. d. The following elements and compounds: Arsenic, Lead, ...

ITOPF - About Marine Spills - Fate of Oil Spills
Light products such as kerosene tend to evaporate and dissipate quickly and naturally and rarely need cleaning-up. These are called non-persistent oils. In contrast, persistent oils, such as many crude oils, break up and dissipate more slowly and usually require a ...

ITOPF - About Marine Spills - Persistence of Oil
Impacts from non-persistent oils may include, for example ... term persistence of oils that would normally be defined as non persistent. Oils which are normally classified as persistent include crude oils, fuel oils, heavy diesel and lubricating oils. Non-persistent oils include gasoline, ... More from this site

For lists of native ground covers that can be used as replacements for ... initiatives/700-724/initiative_713_01192000.txt. 9. U.S. EPA. 2001. Plant oils. 10. PDR for herbal medicines. 2nd edition. 2000. ...

Marin Agricultural Land Trust
Marin County. The persistent escalation of agricultural land values and non-agricultural development threats present constant problems for ... including handspun wool and handknit sweaters, handwoven items, and clever toy cows, herbal soaps and oils, and much more. Environmental groups will be on hand to describe their efforts to ...

Bats often choose buildings for their suitability as nurseries and can be quite persistent in trying to get in. A gap as small as 5 mm is a potential ... entrances observe leaving or returning bats at dusk, and watch for scratches, stains from body oils and droppings. Screening of access points is very effective since unlike rats and squirrels bats ...

Managing Wildlife Damage: Moles
A new repellent formulation, which contains castor or ricinus oils, recently received registration for use in Virginia. This repellent is designed to be ... conditions in Virginia. Barriers Sometimes limited areas, such as seedbeds or small gardens, sustain persistent mole damage. For such areas, installation of a perimeter barrier constructed of sheet metal ...

EIv4#3: Transportation
Dioxin Reassessment that diesel exhaust is a source of dioxin (a potent, persistent and bioaccumulative chemical by-product linked to cancer, adverse reproductive effects and damage to ... existing diesel engines. Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel derived from soybeans and vegetable oils that burns cleaner than petroleum-based diesel fuel and reduces harmful particulate emissions ...

Jackrabbit, Lepus californicus, L. townsendii, L. americanus, control and biology information
Other, more persistent materials have caused injurious effects to the treated plants. Some chemical substances such as lime ... fall should suffice for the entire dormant season. Coal tar, pine tar, tar paper, and oils have caused damage to young trees under certain conditions. Carbolic acid and other volatile compounds ...

Persistent Organic Pollutants p3
North America are being disproportionately harmed from persistent organic pollutants. Environmental racism exists in national and international policies that allow persistent chemicals to pollute the developing fetus and ... trash, especially if it vinyl plastic containers (shampoo bottles, peanut butter jars, vegetable oils, lamp oils) vinyl food wrap or packaging. 3. Talk to your tribal, IHS, or ...

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