Results 1 - 10 from 45 for persistent bioaccumulative in 0.206 sec.
New Rules Project - Environment - Right to Know
Today, new proposed rules would further lower the threshold reporting requirements for persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemicals, expanding the TRI data. Minnesota and several other states have gone beyond EPCRA ...
Our Stolen Future: Exposure is ubiquitous
They are powerful thyroid disruptors that are both persistent and bioaccumulative. It turns out that when they leach out of the plastics in ... accumulation of persistent bioaccumulative contaminants in remote lakes. More... Blais, JM, DW Schindler, DCG Muir, LE Kimpes, DB Donald and B Rosenberg. 1998. Accumulation of persistent organochlorine compounds in ...
CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
PCBs, and other bioaccumulative toxins to the environment, we are writing to urge the Army to voluntarily prohibit ... above the regulatory limit of 50 ppm. Burning PCBs may, in turn, produce dioxins – persistent bioaccumulative toxins that can move through the environment by many processes including volatilization and long ...
RE: Abandon Proposals to Weaken the TRI!
The TRI was put in place to help protect communities from large ...
Mercury Policy Project
Los Angeles and has seven years experience working on environmental issues with a focus on persistent, bioaccumulative toxins and nuclear issues. She has worked extensively with community-based environmental/public health advocacy ...
Mercury Policy Project
Many sources of mercury emissions are also sources of other dangerous persistent, bioaccumulative toxins, such as dioxin, furans, and PCBs. Efforts which undermine controls of mercury also undermine ...
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Health Care Without Harm - Hospitals for a Healthy Environment
The History In 1998, the American Hospital Association and ... hazardous substances for pollution prevention and waste reduction opportunities, including hazardous chemicals and persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic pollutants The first phase of the H2E program consisted of a ...
Our Stolen Future: PBDEs are developmental neurotoxicants in mice
These results, in combination with data indicating that these compounds are persistent, bioaccumulative and increasing exponentially in different animals, including humans, raise significant public ... better understanding of their developmental impacts. Because of their high persistence and bioaccumulative nature, moreover, strong measures to constrain PBDE releases into the environment ...
P2 Week 2001 Winners -
The PBT-Cup specifically awards a private sector company for voluntarily reducing persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals from its waste stream through pollution prevention strategies. ... the National Pediculosis Association for its Lindane Usage Reduction Project. Lindane is a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemical used in prescription medication for head lice and scabies. ...
National Pollution Prevention Week - 2000 Winners - without incorrect links
The PBT-Cup specifically awards a private sector company for voluntarily reduction of persistent, bioaccumulative & toxic (PBT) chemicals from its waste stream through pollution prevention strategies. Morton Powder Coatings won ...
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