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CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
PCBs, and other bioaccumulative toxins to the environment, we are writing to urge the Army to voluntarily prohibit ... above the regulatory limit of 50 ppm. Burning PCBs may, in turn, produce dioxins – persistent bioaccumulative toxins that can move through the environment by many processes including volatilization and long- ...
RE: Abandon Proposals to Weaken the TRI!
The TRI was put in place to help protect communities from large releases ...
CSWAB: Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger
Certain contaminants such as DDT, PCBs, and mercury are persistent bioaccumulative toxins that may have long term implications for the local ecology and human health,” Olah ... Forage Research Center. “Our understanding of the potential harm caused by exposure to environmental toxins is much different than years ago – now we know better,” Olah added. “By ...
Clancy, the Mercury-Detecting Dog, Helps Make Schools Safe | Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC) Newsroom | US EPA
(PBTs). Mercury, a naturally occurring element that is found in the air, water, and soil ...
8/16 - An eye to the future: Great Lakes restoration plan needs public input
Continue to reduce the introduction of persistent bioaccumulative toxins into the Great Lakes ecosystem; * Stop the introduction and spread of nonindigenous aquatic invasive species ...
The Precautionary Principle: A Conservative Way of Thinking, Martha Marks
Here I can only deal with one, ...
Mercury Policy Project
Los Angeles and has seven years experience working on environmental issues with a focus on persistent, bioaccumulative toxins and nuclear issues. She has worked extensively with community-based environmental/public health advocacy groups ...
Mercury Policy Project
Many sources of mercury emissions are also sources of other dangerous persistent, bioaccumulative toxins, such as dioxin, furans, and PCBs. Efforts which undermine controls of mercury also undermine efforts ...
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Ecology's PBT Initiative
Persistent, bioaccumulative toxins (PBTs) are a distinct group of chemicals that threaten the health of people and the ... : They are durable and remain in the environment for a long time without breaking down (persistent). Animals and people accumulate PBTs in their bodies, primarily from the food they eat. As ...
Closed Loop Summer 2003
The H2E effort is built upon the collaborative working ... to improve storage and disposal techniques. Mercury waste streams and the impact of toxins, as well as other pollution prevention ideas are also discussed. For additional ...