peacekeeping force

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ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Meanwhile, a 15000 -strong United Nations peacekeeping force has deployed throughout the country, and demobilization of armed factions has begun. UN peacekeeping forces, backed by British troops, had earlier ... warfare the American army found daunting in Vietnam. Air attacks –by Nigerian peacekeeping forces– probably inflicted more casualties on civilians than on rebels, well hidden in ...

US Complicity in Pushing Aside Aristide - Opinion Forum - Global Policy Forum
President for Life,” and established an irregular armed force of venal henchmen, the Ton Ton Macoutes, to dispatch ... travel for Haiti’s military rulers and a UN-authorized peacekeeping force of 2,000 US Marines that induced Cédras and ... ’. By blocking UN Security Council action to send an emergency peacekeeping force to Haiti to maintain order, the Bush Administration was basically ...

Open Spaces Magazine - Education and Afghanistan: an interview with Dr. Zaher Wahab
Because there are thousands of foreigners, the International Security Assistance Force, the American Forces, all of the NGOs (non-governmental organizations), the UN people and the ... year. The Turks are replacing the British in the ISAF. There is need for a peacekeeping force, but it has to be international and it has to be extended throughout the country ...

Foreign Affairs - Rethinking the National Interest - Condoleezza Rice
UN Security Council resolution authorizing the deployment of a hybrid United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force and dispatched an engineering battalion to pave the way for those peacekeepers. China needs to ...

Foreign Affairs - Rethinking the National Interest - Condoleezza Rice
UN Security Council resolution authorizing the deployment of a hybrid United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force and dispatched an engineering battalion to pave the way for those peacekeepers. China needs to ... More from this site

Lebanon News Updates
French military contingent serving with the UN peacekeeping force there. January 16, 2007 Haaretz Israeli, Syrian representatives reach secret understandings -- In a ... current and former intelligence and diplomatic officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force bombing campaign against Hezbollah’s heavily fortified underground-missile and command-and-control ...

What's New - Global Policy Forum
Somali territory, but Ethiopian forces will only leave once the UN deploys a peacekeeping force. UN and the African Union troop deployments are falling short, though, and so far, ... The article suggests that the Council extends the mandate of the 9,200-strong UN peacekeeping force (UNOIC) to ensure that both sides comply with international standards during the election. (Associated Press ...

Carole Reckinger and Sara Gonzalez Devant find rumour, intrigue and the demise of a key player as Timor-Leste's crisis worsens. | February 2008 | New Internationalist
East (reflecting the force's origins in the eastern-based, pre-independence, anti-Indonesian, ... midst of the chaos, after a request from the Timorese government, Australia formed a multinational peacekeeping force to restore order in late May 2006. The removal of the Fretilin-led government and ...

Protection for the people of Darfur :: Oxfam GB
Darfur. However, more than a year after its creation, the force has only 9,000 troops and is ... community to make sure Darfur receives the peacekeeping force that it desperately needs. Peacekeeping troops alone cannot solve the Darfur crisis, but a full force with the right equipment could significantly improve ...

Russia says will start pulling troops from Georgia | International | Reuters
Georgia. Talks are under way to establish international agreement on a peacekeeping force for South Ossetia to the security zone and to the territory of South Ossetia." The ...

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