panthera tigris virgata

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Save The Tiger Fund | All About Tigers
Panthera tigris jacksoni that lives in Malaysia The Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae that lives on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The three exinct subspecies of tiger are: The Caspian tiger Panthera tigris virgata ...

Tigers - Photos, Sounds, and Information
Other Information: 1) Smallest of all 8 tiger subspecies. Caspian Scientific Name: Panthera tigris virgata Range: Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, and the Central Asiatic area of Russia Average Weight: ... Data Cub Maturity: No Data Status: Extinct since the 1950's Javan Scientific Name: Panthera tigris sondaica Range: Island of Java Average Weight: Female: 165 - 254 Pounds Male: 221 - 311 ...

Tigers Around the Globe,Type of Tigers Around the World,Wild Tiger Types Across Globe
Panthera tigris amoyensis) The above remaining 5 subspecies are all on the brink of extinction. The other three subspecies are all extinct. They are as follows: - The Javan (Panthera tigris sondaica) - The Caspian (Panthera tigris virgata) - The Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica) They are now gone ...

The Caspian Tiger
Caspian, locally known as the Hyrcanian or Turan tiger, (Panthera tigris virgata) was declared extinct. It is commonly stated that the Caspian tiger finally disappeared sometime in ...

Taxonomy of the tiger.
Family: Felidae Subfamily: Panthernae Genus: Panthera Species: tigris Subspecies: Panthera tigris altaica Panthera tigris amoyensis Panthera tigris corbetti Panthera tigris sumatrae Panthera tigris tigris (The following three subspecies are considered extinct) Panthera tigris balica Panthera tigris sondaica Panthera tigris virgata Taxonomy - Page 1: Naming Living Things | 2 ... More from this site

Panthera tigris amoyensis), another name is the Amoy or Xiamen tiger. The South China Tiger is the most critically endangered subspecies. Extinct: Javan Tiger (Panthera tigris mondaica) Caspian Tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Balinese Tiger (Panthera tigris ...

Caspian Tiger - Extinct Species
Caspian Tigers gave birth every three to four years. Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) drawing Extinction The Caspian Tiger became extinct because it was used by the Romans in ...

SAVE THE TIGERS - Subspecies
SAVE THE TIGERS - Subspecies Tiger Subspecies THE TIGER - Panthera tigris Although scientists no longer classify tigers into subspecies, these names are commonly used to describe " ... last one was seen in 1972 and is now believed to be extinct. Caspian (subspecies virgata) The Caspian tiger once ranged from Turkey to Central Asia, including Iran, Mongolia, and Central ...