panthera tigris sondaica

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Save The Tiger Fund | All About Tigers
Panthera tigris virgata that once ranged in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, and the Central Asiatic area of Russia and probably went extinct in the 1950's. The Javan tiger, Panthera tigris sondaica, formerly ranged on the Indonesian island of Java and was last seen in 1972. The Bali tiger, Panthera tigris balica, once lived on Bali, ...

Tigers - Photos, Sounds, and Information
Other Information: 1) Smallest of all 8 tiger subspecies. Caspian Scientific Name: Panthera tigris virgata Range: Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, and the Central Asiatic area of Russia Average ... No Data Cub Maturity: No Data Status: Extinct since the 1950's Javan Scientific Name: Panthera tigris sondaica Range: Island of Java Average Weight: Female: 165 - 254 Pounds Male: 221 - 311 Pounds ...

Tigers Around the Globe,Type of Tigers Around the World,Wild Tiger Types Across Globe
Panthera tigris amoyensis) The above remaining 5 subspecies are all on the brink of extinction. The other three subspecies are all extinct. They are as follows: - The Javan (Panthera tigris sondaica) - The Caspian (Panthera tigris virgata) - The Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica) They are now gone forever. ...

The Javan Tiger
Weight & Length Figures The path to extinction: In the early 19th century Javan tigers (Panthera tigris sondaica) were so common over Java that in some areas the were considered nothing more than ...

The Javan Tiger
Javan tigers is unknown. Prehistoric Javan tigers: Panthera tigris sondaica which is the topic of this article was not the first tiger located on Java. Panthera tigris trinilensis is the oldest tiger fossil ever found ... be found on Java. There is no evidence to suggest that sabre-toothed cats like Panthera tigris trinilensis were in any way related to our modern tigers. Javan - Page 1: In The ... More from this site

SAVE THE TIGERS - Subspecies
SAVE THE TIGERS - Subspecies Tiger Subspecies THE TIGER - Panthera tigris Although scientists no longer classify tigers into subspecies, these names are commonly used to describe " ... 's Republic of China in 1988. Official status: ENDANGERED. and, the extinct ones... Javan (subspecies sondaica) The Javan tiger once roamed the Indonesian island of Java. The last one was seen ...

Will Asian Governments move fast enough to save the Tiger?
But scientists of the US-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the British-based Panthera Foundation tabled plans in New Delhi last Thursday - and in effect challenged governments - to create ... , wild tigers Panthera tigris sumatrae are found only on the island of Sumatra following the extinction of the Bali Tiger P.t. balica and the Javan Tiger P. t. sondaica last century. The ...

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