palm oil industry

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Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping
This threatens species with extinction, including the: Orang-utan Sumatran tiger The palm oil industry is now considered ... palm oil industry in South East Asia, its links to the European market and the involvement of European companies in the palm oil trade. Greasy Palms - The social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil palm ...

FoE Europe - GMOs
FoEE calls for moratorium on proposed target 09.01.08 'Sustainable palm oil' advert false, says watchdog - Malaysian palm oil industry condemned for greenwashing 2007 07.12.07 New draft law exposes weak EU standards for agrofuels - Safeguards fail to protect the poor or environment 09.10.07 RSPO: Stop destructive Palm Oil ...

Suriname illegal timber concessions Omnicorp Sino-Forest Greenheart Tacoba Xinhui CIMC Simon Murray GEMS Samling Barama Macquarie exports flooring China Hong Kng stock exchange Guyana OOCL Asset stripping Investment
Marowijne near Patamacca) ostensibly to expand the palm oil industry in Suriname by 700,000 tonne/year. Its plans, which include the importation of 1 ... shaped, investment being required after profitable forest clearance and before net profits were earned from palm oil sales. The ability of a"developer" to borrow using its prospective plantation project as ...

Oil Palm Campaign
Asia Pacific region as well as exploiting local communities who are being forced off their land. If palm oil concessions ... ecosystems on the planet, the palm oil industry is making a significant contribution to global warming (See Agence France-Presse article). The standard practice of palm oil plantations is to log the valuable ...

Cargill and Sustainable Palm Oil
West Kalimantan, which are currently under threat from the rapid expansion of the palm oil industry.  These high conservation value forest areas are home to endangered species such as ... collaboration between the Indonesian Government, in particular the District and Provincial Government, the palm oil industry, local communities and other key stakeholders to manage, protect and monitor areas of ...

Friends of the Earth: Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping
Indonesian palm oil (PDF format - 508K) March 2004 This report covers a research project undertaken for Friends of the Earth in 2003 into the palm oil industry in South East Asia, its links to the European market and the involvement of European companies in the palm oil trade. Greasy Palms - The social and ecological impacts of large-scale oil palm ...

ENDS Notes to Editors: [1] The Malaysian Palm Oil Council brings together the Malaysian palm oil industry ... consist of plant-based agrofuels like palm oil. To meet growing international demand for palm oil, Indonesia and Malaysia plan to double their oil palm plantations area to 18-22 million ...

palm oil | Greenpeace UK
They've been discussing how to build a coalition of allies throughout the palm oil industry which will support a moratorium on further deforestation in Indonesia to grow new plantations. As ... a moratorium to protect Indonesia's rainforests from destruction at the hands of the expanding palm oil industry. When we sent in our own 'orang-utans' to Unilever HQ last week to tell ...

WWF - Orangutans and oil palm plantations
Borneo and Sumatra. The palm oil industry, which is causing clear-cutting of forests, forest fires, and also facilitates greater ... . 2006. Realising Sustainable Oil Palm Development in Indonesia -- Challenges and Opportunities. International Oil Palm Conference 2006. 10 pp. 2 Wakker, E. 1998. Lipsticks from the rainforest: Palm oil, crisis and forest loss ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Cooking Oil and Climate Change
Canola was chosen not only because it is an integral part of Canada's economically important cooking oil industry, but also because current canola oil extraction methods are ... as South Korea and China for use in rice-bran processing, Malaysia and Colombia for palm oil, Pakistan and India for rapeseed and soya, and various others for cocoa. If the test ...

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