Results 1 - 10 from 77 for demand for palm oil in 0.326 sec.
Latest Solar Energy News -
Especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, oil palm plantations have caused massive deforestation. The government is encouraging more forest clearing to meet the growing demand for palm oil. Speaking in Argentina yesterday, Gore, ... the benefits of the greenhouse gas reductions, it said. It noted that soaring palm oil demand has already led to the clearing of tropical forests in southeast Asia. Read ...
Al Gore warns against negative effects of biofuels -
Especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, oil palm plantations have caused massive deforestation. The government is encouraging more forest clearing to meet the growing demand for palm oil. Speaking in Argentina yesterday, ... . South American sceptics worry that the production of biofuels from corn, sugarcane, palm oil and other agricultural products will cause environmental damage and worsen the already ...
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Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping
Palm oil Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping Demand for palm oil, a vegetable oil present in 1 in 10 supermarket products, is the most significant cause of rainforest loss in Malaysia and Indonesia. Palm oil ...
Great apes in the wild increasingly rare with habitat destruction, human encroachment
December 2004 tsunami.” Increasing worldwide demand for palm oil has contributed to the decline of habitat necessary for orangutan survival in the wild. Though found in greater numbers, demand for their habitat is ...
Great Ape Trust Scientist In Sumatra To Count Orangutans
Indonesia as demand for palm oil surges. Palm oil is used in clean-burning biodiesel fuel, as well as for cooking and myriad food, cosmetic and household ... orangutans displaced by deforestation for establishment of palm oil plantations in Central Kalimantran. Read more here. In the past three years, Great Ape Trust has awarded $170,644 for primate conservation ...
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Proboscis Monkey Blog
Dr Willie Smits, chairman of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. Â The spiralling demand for palm oil is also taking its toll on the indigenous population. Millions are having their ... demand for oil rises and reserves dwindle, countries like Malaysia are looking for alternatives, according to the BBC correspondent in Kuala Lumpur Jonathan Kent. Palm oil is made from the fruit of the oil palm ...
Rainforest Portal Rainforest Conservation Links: Destruction/Oil Palm
Palm Oil, The - Rainforest Agribusiness the Rainforest Action Network show how demand for palm oil is on the rise and pristine rainforests are being clear-cut and burned to make way for palm oil ...
Friends of the Earth: Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping
Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping Palm oil - rainforest in your shopping Demand for palm oil, a vegetable oil present in 1 in 10 supermarket products, is the most significant cause of rainforest loss in Malaysia and Indonesia. Palm oil ...
Europe should consist of plant-based agrofuels like palm oil. To meet growing international demand for palm oil, Indonesia and Malaysia plan to double their oil palm plantations area to 18-22 million hectares, an area almost equivalent to the whole of the UK. JOIN US Working for ...
WWF - Orangutans and oil palm plantations
The orangutans' forest home is being converted into oil palm plantations at a massive scale. This conversion is being driven by growing global demand for palm oil ...
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