paid labour

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Restoring the rainforest or destroying people's lives? Timothy Byakola and Chris Lang find organizations have much to answer for in Uganda. | July 2006 | New Internationalist
The project has provided significant amounts of paid labour and training to the surrounding communities in an area where there are very few other sources of paid labour.' It seems that the Mount Elgon ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Here is an opportunity: use the labour of the poor to grow trees and sequester carbon. In return, rural communities could get paid for each hectare of forests they grow and ...

The Lowdown on Lockdown (Do or Die)
UK. Under New Labour's Private Finance Initiative (PFI), a company fronts the money, builds the prison, runs it for 25 years and gets paid back by the government ... daunting razor-wire topped walls, to the management consortiums, investors, companies exploiting prisoners as slave labour, and the relatively undefended construction sites and corporate headquarters on which the industry depends. ...

infoshops network - information and inspiration by, and for, autonomous centres
Nobody gets paid. All scam money goes to anarchist organisations. We foster community, mutual aid, and direct action. We propagate anarchist ideas in all facets of life and labour. email: scam ... More from this site

Press release from Mason & Whyte
Resource Management Act (RMA) hearings on the beech scheme to resume. Labour party policy states that "Labour is committed to sustainable development in which economic, environmental and social considerations are ... are currently degrading our native forests, an expensive task that would otherwise have to be paid for by the public. The two researchers call on the Minister to allow hearings ...

This announcement provoked an immediate response from the former Labour party spokesman on forestry, The Hon. Jim Sutton - he resigned, ... Coast will be paid for by a company and not by the public. I wonder too, whether or not the Labour Party is ... UNCED initiatives. But maybe sustainability is of no concern to the Labour party. Labour Party members, it's not too late to reconsider and ... More from this site

Gold Seal - Wild Salmon Education - Salmon Enhancement Projects
BC Hydro on land owned by the outdoor school. DFO provided the materials and labour while the school provides on-going maintenance, security and educational programming. Good spawning grounds ... wintering areas for juvenile coho and provide protection during summer dry periods. Special attention was paid to ensure minimal disruption, and surrounding trees were left intact as much as possible ...

Friends of the Earth: Briefing: A better quality of investment: Friends of the Earth's Seventh 'Blueprint for a Green Budget'
At present tax relief is only available where commuting is by private buses paid for by the company. Extending this incentive to company contracts with local public bus services ... are more attractive to tourism than large-scale, intensive monocultures. In its Election manifesto, New Labour promised to "reform the Common Agricultural Policy to save money, support the rural economy and ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
According to the national labor statistics compiled by the UN International Labour Organization, half the world's women are reported as "economically active," as compared with ... work. When they are, they earn less than men because they lack access to higher-paid jobs, such as managerial and supervisory positions, and because they receive lower compensation for ...

EJF: Child Labour and Cotton in Uzbekistan
Reports Film Photos Success Stories Child Labour and Cotton in Uzbekistan "There is no child labour in Uzbekistan" - official spokesperson for the ... paid. Some claim to receive US$5 for five days' work. Others report receiving just 15 US cents for the same period of labour ... For the Uzbek regime, forced child labour is undeniably cheap and immensely profitable. A child may be paid, at best, 3-4 US ...

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