mount elgon

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The Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Figure 2-1 shows capitals, other major cities, and elevations. The highest point is Mount Kilimanjaro (5,894 m); the lowest point is in the Qattara Depression, at 132 m ... Drakensberg Mountains. In east Africa are (in addition to Kilimanjaro) Mount Kenya (5,199 m), the Ruwenzoris (5,120 m), and Mount Elgon (4,321 m) (Pritchard, 1985). The African continent encompasses a ...

Africa Safari Specialists: About Uganda and Rwanda
Rwenzoris, Mount Elgon and the Virunga volcanoes. Wildlife has steadily increased and many species can be seen nowadays ...

East African Wildlife Society - Kenya's forests are disappearing: So What?
For example, the Mount Kenya forests (200,000 hectares) and the Aberdare forests (150,000 hectares) fulfil this vital ... are accentuated. In the west of the country, the inhabitants of the area surrounding the Mount Elgon forest bordering. Uganda has become so concerned as they observe these phenomena that they have ...

Restoring the rainforest or destroying people's lives? Timothy Byakola and Chris Lang find organizations have much to answer for in Uganda. | July 2006 | New Internationalist
UWA-FACE tree-planting project started, the Ugandan Government declared Mount Elgon a National Park. The people living within its boundaries lost all their rights. According ... the National Park and is part of the management of the Mount Elgon National Park. The FACE Foundation's partner at Mount Elgon, the Ugandan Wildlife Authority, has forcibly evicted people with its ...

FROGLOG 60 - Non-finding of the Kenyan endemic frog Arthroleptides dutoiti
Mount Elgon National Park (under Kenya Wildlife Service, KWS). From here, well forested areas inside the park continue up to Mount Elgon’s tree line. Outside the park, at the foot of Mount Elgon, landscapes nowadays mostly comprise agricultural land. The Koitobos River is part of a fluvial system running off Mount Elgon. ...

Terrestrial Ecoregions -- East African montane forests (AT0108)
Imatong Mountains in southern Sudan, through Mount Elgon in Uganda, to Mount Kenya to the east. To the south, the ecoregion includes the forests of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, and Ngorongoro in northern ... the characteristic trees at lower elevations are camphor, olive, and Meru oak (found only on Mount Kenya), with the coniferous podo tree and bamboo found at higher elevations. The climate ...

Terrestrial Ecoregions -- East African montane moorlands (AT1005)
Imatong Mountains in southern Sudan, through Mount Elgon in Uganda, to Mount Kenya to the east. To the south, the ecoregion includes the forests of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, and Ngorongoro in northern ... the characteristic trees at lower elevations are camphor, olive, and Meru oak (found only on Mount Kenya), with the coniferous podo tree and bamboo found at higher elevations. The climate ... More from this site

Death of Cedar Trees Cause Great Concern - March 19, 1998
Maralal, Nanyuki and Narok areas. Other affected areas are on the slopes of Mount Kenya and Elgon, and in Rift Valley, especially in Baringo and Kabarnet. The cedar tree, Juniperus procera ...

Rhino Ark - Humans in Harmony with Habitat and Wildlife
Kenya are forests: Mount Kenya, the Mau Complex, Aberdare Range, Cherangani Hills and Mt. Elgon. Though smaller, the taita, Chyulu and Shimba Hills are vital ...