Results 1 - 10 from 11 for ovary and fruit in 0.337 sec.
GULF OF GUINEA CONSERVATION GROUP: Begonias of São Tomé and Príncipe
Pedicels not elongated in fruit. 2. Begonia crateris 5.* Plants sparsely hairy. Pedicels elongated in fruit. 1. Begonia baccata 6. Ovary and fruit square or angled in cross section. 6. Begonia loranthoides 6.* Ovary and fruit ...
Croton tiglium
(Duke, 1978). In Java, two forms are distinguished: var. tiglium, with ovary and fruit trigonous, and petals of female flower consisting of a glabrous stalked bud, found in West Java; and var. globosus, with ovary subglobose, subtrigonous, with petals linear and ...
APHIS Raleigh Plant Protection Center
Entire: a smooth margin, without teeth. Epigynous: Perianth and stamens adnate to the surface of the ovary and appearing to grow from the top of it. Falcate: Sickle-shaped. Fascicle ... season's duration. Perfect: Said of a flower with both stamens and pistils. Pericarp: The fruit wall; the ripened walls of an ovary. Pilose: With long, soft, straight hairs. Pinna: Primary division of ...
Apples and Cider Vocabulary
Cider Vocabulary Apples and Cider Vocabulary Apple: fruit of an apple tree Blossom: the flower of a seed plant ... ovules (see figure) Ovule: an outgrowth of the ovary of a seed plant that is a megasporangium and encloses an embryo sac within a nucellus (see figure) ... to an ovule Pomace: the dry or pulpy residue of material (as fruit or seeds) from which a liquid has been pressed or extracted Press: ...
Ceriops tagal
Chemistry Description Germplasm Distribution Ecology Cultivation Harvesting Yields and Economics Energy Biotic Factors References Uses Andamese are said to sometimes eat the fruit. Asians may use the astringent bark or ... turned back on fruit; petals 5–6, white, united at base, 2-lobed and ending in 2–4 bristles, stamens 10–12; pistil with conical, partly inferior 3-celled ovary and short style. ...
Invasive Species In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Workshop - Water Chestnut
June and continues until mid-July. The ovary is two chambered each with an ovule, though generally only one seed per flower will develop (Groth et al. 1996). After fertilization, the fruit ... medicinal and nutritional value. In many parts of Asia, the fruit is a staple food source and used for livestock feed. The fruit has been used medicinally to treat elephantitus, pestilent fevers, rheumatism and ...
Prairie Fringed Orchids ESA
P. lacera does not exceed the length of the ovary (Bowles and Duxbury 1986). >== 1000 HABITAT According to Sheviak and Bowles (1986), P. praeclara appears to be restricted to tallgrass prairie ... . P. praeclara may be restricted in the tallgrass region by its pollinator specificity (Sheviak and Bowles 1986). Fruit set appears to be variable. In Wisconsin, Alverson (I 98 1) observed that 70 ...
Orchids have an inferior ovary and produce fruit capsules (pods). These contain numerous minute seeds from which the endosperm is absent ... , Diplocaulobium, Dendrobium and Eria, or the bud may develop into a flowering shoot which gradually will develop a rhizome and pseudobulb as flowering reaches its peak and fruit commences to develop ...
Floral bracts patent, ovate, 2.8 - 5 mm long, acute. Pedicel and ovary c. 7 mm long, terete, curved, glabrous. Flowers c. 1.5 cm ... , the two smaller ones 0.8 bt 0.6 mm, white. Fruit not seen. Fig. 1 Distribution: Papua New Guinea, widespread but not ... labellum. Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the directors and keepers of K, L and LAE for allowing us to study the material cited ...
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Nature Terms. A brief glossary of Nature and Natural History terminology
Nature Lovers, Natural Historians, and other folks interested in Biology. A Achene A small, dry fruit with one seedAlternate With ... style and ovary.Pith The white, spongy substance found inside the stem of many plants.Pod A dry, sometimes flattened fruit of ... and an anther.Stigma A part of the pistil, the top of the style, where pollen enters the Pistil.Style The tube connecting the Stigma to the Ovary ...
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