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Shakedown Cruise, 2001
Shakedown Cruise, 2001 ||| St. Lawrence Gateways Project ||| 'SHAKE DOWN' CRUISE, 2001 Mingan Islands Ordovician marine fossil We began our exploration of the Lower North Shore in 2001 in the Mingan ... Park. The Mingan Islands are famous for their eroded limestone monolith formations and well-preserved Ordovician marine fossils such as the one at left photographed on the east side of the Gulf ...
Karst Waters Institute - Conduit Vol 4 No 1
Scale: W. B. White and E. L. White POSTER SESSIONS Cenozoic (?) Reactivation of Ordovician Paleokarst Features: K. E. Goggin Local Variation of Hydraulic Conductivity in Dolomite: Comparison of ... Norwegian caves contain calcite deposits over 500,000 years in age, Pleistocene mammal bones, marine sediments later uplifted by isostatic rebound, subglacial karst drains, abandoned pre-glacial caves, ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Fiordland National Park
These igneous rocks are among the oldest in New Zealand (mostly Ordovician). They are also among the hardest and most resistant to erosion. Thus they have retained ... and in Fiordland are found from Doubtful Sound south. See also Seabirds of New Zealand Marine mammals Marine mammals are found extensively in Fiordland's waters. Pods of bottlenose dolphins inhabit Milford ... - National Parks of New Zealand - Abel Tasman
However the western part is made of older (Ordovician) marbles, limestones, argillites and other rocks, similar to those of Mt Arthur and Mt Owen ... wetas and many other insects, such as beetles, spiders, millipedes, and glow worms. Among its marine life, the coast of Abel Tasman National Park has internationally recognised bryozoan 'coral' beds. Activities ...
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Rideau Canal Waterway - Geology
Lake Ontario. Fossil evidence of beluga whales and several kinds of arctic marine pelecypods (clams) have been found in the Ottawa area. The Champlain Sea would have been ... Sedimentary Rocks - These are the youngest rocks in the area, of Upper Cambrian to Middle Ordovician age (450 to 500 million years ago). Most of the units are flat lying, often ...
The New England Batholith intruded and uplifted into these marine and terrestrial sediments at the end of the Permian age, bringing to an end this ... of the best for canoe touring in NSW The Mann has worn a valley through Ordovician sedimentary rocks, but as it approaches its junction with the Nymboida it cuts through the ...
San Bartolomé Silver Mine, Potosi Mining Technology
Potosi. Basement rocks at Cerro Rico are predominantly Ordovician to Silurian continental clastic and shallow marine sedimentary rocks, and locally Cretaceous continental clastic rocks. Regionally, basement rocks are ...