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ENB @ Ozone MOP-13 (Colombo, October 2001)
ODS controls, thus quietly launching a new era in the regime. Continued in ENB Summary ( ... alia: ratify the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments; urgently adopt ODS trade controls; take all necessary measures to comply with ODS controls; and fulfill reporting obligations. The Declaration also calls on ...
The HomeSafe FIRESIDE e-NEWS #004 - January 31, 1997
The technician should look at the electrical and mechanical components of appliances, such as thermostat controls and automatic safety devices. - Chimneys and flues should be checked for blockages, corrosion, and ... or disconnected vents or chimneys. Oxygen depletion sensors (ODS) have also been installed on unvented gas space heaters since the 1980s. ODS protect against the production of CO caused by ...
Industry in the lead
ODS. Such corporate support, and the technical solutions that became available, enabled the Parties ... several lessons for the world as it confronts the problem of climatic change. - The controls originally introduced under the Montreal Protocol in 1987 motivated industry. Although little technology ...