thanked delegates

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ENB @OEWG-22, 23-25 July 2002 Montreal,Canada
Secretary General in a few weeks. Marco González, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat thanked the delegates and staff for the successful conclusion of the meeting. Executive Secretary Gonzalez once again ... Secretary, who has acted as Executive Secretary for the past two years. Co-Chair Catelin thanked delegates for their work and gaveled the meeting to a close at 4:30pm. Earth Negotiations ...

ENB @ Ozone MOP-13 (Colombo, October 2001)
UNEP and the Secretariat for hard work and diligence, and hoped delegates would take pleasant memories of Sri Lanka home with them. He called on all delegates to work to bring about a peaceful world and a better environment. Deputy Executive Secretary Graber thanked delegates ... More from this site

IISD RS @ 18th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (MOP18), 30 October-3 November, 2006, New Delhi, India
Canada 's proposal to adjust the Montreal Protocol. In the high-level segment, delegates heard statements by country and international agency representatives and adopted the conference report, ... reconvened late in the evening, when delegates adopted decisions on essential- and critical-use nominations. MOP-18 Bureau President Malungula thanked delegates, the Secretariat and others for their hard ...

International Institute for Sustainable Development - Reporting Services (IISD RS) @ Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Area; 11 February - 15 February; Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Are
Chair José Antônio Marcondes de Carvalho thanked delegates, the Secretariat, NGOs and indigenous peoples who participated, stating that the extensively ... , underscored the role of indigenous peoples in the conservation of biodiversity and thanked delegates for their participation. Plenary: Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, Chair Ositadinma Anaedu ... More from this site

2002 Meeting in Shimonoseki
Groups were held at the same venue in the period 24 April - 19 May 2002. Delegates thanked the Government of Japan and the people of Shimonoseki for their warmth, hospitality and for ...

2003 Meeting in Berlin
Estrel Hotel and Convention Centre, Berlin under the Chairmanship of Prof. Bo Fernholm (Sweden). Delegates thanked the Government of Germany for the excellent facilities provided. TOP Revised Management Scheme Although the ... More from this site

Irish Eco-Schools News
The commissioner thanked the students for their contributions and complimented them on their outstanding work. In July ... Canada in co-operation with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). 400 child delegates and over 250 adult delegates from 59 countries attended the conference. The main aims of the conference ...

Save the Redwoods - Boycott the Gap Tear-gassed at Seattle WTO Protests
U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky apologized to delegates. Noting that most demonstrators were peaceful, she said the Clinton administration sympathized with their ... shopping district. There were no injuries. There were no arrests. Some of the protesters thanked the police for helping them get their messages out. At the apartment building, ...

WSSD.Info News Issue #4 Part I . Monday, June 10, 2002 12:24
Johannesburg to prepare for the outcome of the Summit. He thanked all those involved in the session. The representative of Iran thanked the Chairman for his work. He suggested that the ... tie governments to a timetable for implementing the action plan and providing money for development. Delegates from rich nations urged poorer countries to address corruption by enacting laws promoting good ...

World Vegetarian Congress 1908
Netherlands and England thanked the Dresden friends for all the kindness shown to the delegates; ... into communication with kindred spirits for the interchange if ideas." Dresden Conference. - Among the delegates who attended our first International gathering was Mr. A. Meyroos, LL.D, who represented ...

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